Hello! Today I found out that I got a C on my Precalc test so I am happy because I studied really hard for it and then I paniked when I took it so I thought I did horrible, but it turns out that I didn't! I should have done better though because the stuff I got wrong I really know how to do but oh well. Today everyone in my hall got letters from the hall director yelling at us. Megan (the RA) doesn't like it when people write bad words on other peoples white boards so she reported everyone on my floor to the hall director. It made me kind of made because my white board always has nice messages and drawings on that I make, like right now it says Happy V-Day with a heart and two fish kissing! It is very cute. Anyways I think that she should have went and talked to the people first because that is what she is supposed to do not go and report them. Stupid girl, now everyone is mad at her. Tonight Jese went out to drive to his night class and found out his car was missing. It turns out when you drive to campus the day before and ride the bus back your car doesn't come with you!! He got a $25 ticket too because he was parked in one hour parking!!! hehehe!! Stupid boy. Yesterday we didn't get to hang out at all because he had homework to do all day so today we watched In Her Shoes together, it was pretty good. Then I did all of my homework and he went to class. Well that is all I know for now so bye!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Hello!! Not much has happened lately. Yesterday Jese and I watched Half Light with Demi Moore and Serenity. They were both good. We also watched some Gilmore Girls. On Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to return Jese's fish and get him some new ones. When we went back to get some there was a guy working and he was a jerk, if I didn't know the fish lady we probably wouldn't go back there for fish. He kept telling us stupid stuff like you can't feed goldfish tropical fish food when I have all my life and it never hurt them. He also wouldn't let Jese get any fish he wanted because they were to mean or to big, the jerk. So we ended not getting any and we will go back on Thursday during the day when the nice fish lady is there. Today I have to do homework, I was doing it but then I got bored so then I cleaned but now I am done with that so I think I am going to have to go back to homework :( Well that is all I know!!
Christa W.
Oh yes congrats to Nick for passing his test, now the Jensen's can move to MN!!
Christa W.
Oh yes congrats to Nick for passing his test, now the Jensen's can move to MN!!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Hello!! It is very nice outside!! It is in the 50's and it was yesterday too!! Tomarrow it is supposed to be in the 30's again though :( that makes me sad because I hate winter and I just want it to be over with. Yesterday because it was so nice out Jese and I went for a walk before supper and his last class, it was very nice! Almost all of Jese's fish died yesterday!! hehehe!! His water was way too cold, he didn't even have the heater turned on. One of Kat's fish died today too, I guess I am the only one who can keep them alive!!! Kat does not drive me nuts anymore, she realized that she doesn't live in high school anymore so she finally got over the high school in Black River and she got a boyfriend!! He lives in Black River though so she doesn't see him much, only every weekend because she goes home all of the time! Today in microeconomics it was REALLY boring because the teacher will get super excited about something and start yelling and then he will talk about the same thing all hour long. Today he dressed REALLY gay, he had on a zip-up sweatshirt and he had unzipped so you could see his cheast hairs, yuck, and he had on a gold circle necklace, I am suprised he is married. He is loaded though last year he was going to buy a place in Chicago for $1 million, but a 27 year-old couple paid $1.2 million. He does own a business down there though, he showed it to us on a map. Well I have decided to pick up my bow again, I am going to give it a try at regions in Faribault in two weeks with my father, I hope I do okay. My mother is afraid I will beat her!! I hope I do because that would be funny because I haven't shot since March and she shoots all of the time. Well I have to go and get ready for my other classes now! Bye
Christa Wadekamper
(is cool)
Christa Wadekamper
(is cool)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
2+2=5, I think!!
Today I had to go to my least favorite class precalc :( but I actully understood everything that we did today so that is good. I have a 66 point quiz in there on thursday so I am going to start to study for that pretty soon. That was the only class I had today. After it Jese and I went to the Smug to eat lunch, we both got spagetti, but mine hurt me. I looked up towards the ceiling and a noodle went shooting down my throat and then my left nostrial hurt for a long time :( I also burned my finger this morning on my hair straightner because I didn't think it was turned on because the light doesn't always turn on so I touched it really fast but I didn't feel anything so I touched it harder and longer and then I discovered that it was turned on and it was very hot so now my finger has no feeling in it :( I like my accounting class so far, I had it yesterday, we had a quiz I think I did very good on it. Tomarrow he is collecting homework so I need to do that pretty soon. I also have to read a chapter for microeconomics and print off the slide show so I can take notes on it tomarrow. On Saturday I made my bed and ever since then I have been sleeping REALLY good, but it still takes me 30 min. to an hour to fall asleep so that sucks. Well I think I will go do homework now, Bye!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
(is the coolest Wadekamper ever and the coolest person ever!!)
Christa Ann Wadekamper
(is the coolest Wadekamper ever and the coolest person ever!!)
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Dike: a dike is an intrusive rock body that cuts across the grain of other rocks.
Hello!! Yesterday my mother, rick, and steve came to winona and picked up jese and i to go to lacrosse so they could shoot. They all did very good!! Then they drove us back to winona and we all went out to eat at jeffersons, it was very good but my mother got a french dip and ordered it without mushrooms and when it came it had mushrooms, she sent it back then, she is very picky!! After that they all left and Jese, Keith and I went to go see the new underworld movie, it was good but not as good as the first one. I think they will make a third one too. Today I got up 9:30 but I was awake at 9:00. I decided to be like amy and not take a shower. I have been doing homework all day, I finally got done at 3:00. I also did my laundry, I had to do four loads, that is the most I have done so far, I think it was that many because before I left for Christmas break I left all of my dirty sweatshirts here so I had to wash all of them plus all of the clothes I have been wearing. For lunch I made Jese and I macoroni and cheese, it was REALLY good!! Well that is about all I know, we are going to watch Fight Club now because we are both finished with homework!!
Oh yeah, I had to stay all by myself in my room again this weekend because Kat went home, it was very lonely but I slept really good!!
Hello!! Yesterday my mother, rick, and steve came to winona and picked up jese and i to go to lacrosse so they could shoot. They all did very good!! Then they drove us back to winona and we all went out to eat at jeffersons, it was very good but my mother got a french dip and ordered it without mushrooms and when it came it had mushrooms, she sent it back then, she is very picky!! After that they all left and Jese, Keith and I went to go see the new underworld movie, it was good but not as good as the first one. I think they will make a third one too. Today I got up 9:30 but I was awake at 9:00. I decided to be like amy and not take a shower. I have been doing homework all day, I finally got done at 3:00. I also did my laundry, I had to do four loads, that is the most I have done so far, I think it was that many because before I left for Christmas break I left all of my dirty sweatshirts here so I had to wash all of them plus all of the clothes I have been wearing. For lunch I made Jese and I macoroni and cheese, it was REALLY good!! Well that is about all I know, we are going to watch Fight Club now because we are both finished with homework!!
Oh yeah, I had to stay all by myself in my room again this weekend because Kat went home, it was very lonely but I slept really good!!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
And Work and Work, Workin at the car wash...
Well, after 4 hours of doing homework I am finally finished!!! I had to read 100 pages for MN writers so that took the most time, I also had to write a page journal about what I read. I also had to review some stuff for Microeconomics, that would have taken longer but I read the chapter a few days ago so I was ahead. I also had to take a quiz online for MN Rocks and Waters, I get full credit on it no matter what because it is called a warmup, it is so the teacher knows what we need to know more about. Yesterday I finished my blanket!! I will take a picture of it later and put it on here. I had left over yarn from that blanket and the other one I did so I brought them to wal-mart and returned them so I could get more for my next blanket!! I also had to buy a new calculator because the one I had can not be used in precalc because it has graphing capabilites, which we are not allowed to have for the tests. Well I think I am going to start my new blanket now so bye!!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
oh yes, I had my first accounting class yesterday, I liked it and only like 5 people had accounting classes before and those were in high school so hopefully I will be ahead!! There is a book with all of the work papers I need to get but the bookstore is out right now so I am going to have to do extra work because I will have to write out all of the sheets :( okay bye!
Oh yes, I sure wish somebody would send me some mail, I don't even get letters or cookies from Amy any more :( jerk
Christa Ann Wadekamper
oh yes, I had my first accounting class yesterday, I liked it and only like 5 people had accounting classes before and those were in high school so hopefully I will be ahead!! There is a book with all of the work papers I need to get but the bookstore is out right now so I am going to have to do extra work because I will have to write out all of the sheets :( okay bye!
Oh yes, I sure wish somebody would send me some mail, I don't even get letters or cookies from Amy any more :( jerk
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Monday, January 16, 2006
I am the Champion!!
Well I just got beating Jese at a game on Monopoly!! We said we would stop at 10, and at that time if he went around the board one more time he would be bankrupt. He had to morgage almost all of his places as it was!!! Today I studied very hard. I wrote 7 pages (front and back so really it is 14) of notes on two chapters for microeconomics. Half of the notes are vocab. words though. Jese and I went to Wal-mart today to bring back a fish that died while he was gone. The fish lady loves us so she gave Jese 2 FREE fish and she only charged me $.28 for a $3.00 goldfish, it was just a great deal I had to get it (I also had to get a $2.00 fish bowl because the chilcids I have would have ate him in two minutes) I named him G2 (goldie #2) because he looks just like my goldie that Jese killed. He likes his bowl very much and swims alot! I have decided that I should drink more milk so I drink milk with every meal now (except for breakfast) I am soooo healthy! Also I only eat one hersheys bar a day and no ice cream. I like to eat pickles but then I get hungry for doritos and then another pickle so I am trying not to eat too many pickles. Well I am so tired from winning monopoly that I think that I have to go to bed now, I do have precalc tomarrow so I need to rest up for that!! Okay bye!!
Chrsita Ann Wadekamper (the monopolater) (get it like terminator)
Oh yea.....Happy 24th Birthday Cassie!!!! Man she is like an old grandma now, you would think by now she would have 3 kids....oh wait that was my mother!!!!
Chrsita Ann Wadekamper (the monopolater) (get it like terminator)
Oh yea.....Happy 24th Birthday Cassie!!!! Man she is like an old grandma now, you would think by now she would have 3 kids....oh wait that was my mother!!!!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Well today I didn't really do much. Jese left yesterday to go down to Iowa to go shoot in the pro-am. Last night I was really bored and went ot bed at 10:30. I got up at 9 this morning. I ate some honey nut cheerios, but they weren't really called that becasue it was an off brand. They were good though. Then I took a shower. The rest of the day I studied and read a book. Well that is about all that happened to me today. I am pretty bored right now. I watched the new trading spaces tonight, but there is nothing else on tv so I am going to read my book somemore.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
first day of classes
The word algebra comes from the ninth century Arabic book Hisab al-Jabr w'al-Muqabala, written by al-Khowarizmi. The title refers to transposing and combing terms, two processes used in solving equations. In Latin traslations the title was shortened to Aljabr, from which we get the word algebra. The author's name itself made its way into the English language in the form of our word algorithm.
I just thought everyone would like to know that, I had my first day of class today, I only had one. It was precalc. I am pretty sure I will do better this time, the teacher grades on a curve so that is very nice and he seems much better than my last teacher plus for math I like boy teachers better than girl teachers. We can't use computers so now I can't play solitare or update my blog during class so that is a very good thing!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
I just thought everyone would like to know that, I had my first day of class today, I only had one. It was precalc. I am pretty sure I will do better this time, the teacher grades on a curve so that is very nice and he seems much better than my last teacher plus for math I like boy teachers better than girl teachers. We can't use computers so now I can't play solitare or update my blog during class so that is a very good thing!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
R.I.P Jumpie and Ciclie

Well last night Jese and I made it back to Winona around 7:30. We got a shopping cart and loaded it up with my stuff so we only had to make one trip up to my room, Jese had to carry the fish tank though, it was too heavy for me (him too but he won't admitt that he had to take a break half way to my room) Sadly not all of the fish survived, two of them died last night. I am pretty sure it was because of the chlorine in the water. They were not used to that because they had well water for a month. I still have the recipt from them though and there is a 90 day return and I am only on day 74 so I will bring them in a plastic bag to walmart today! Well back to last night. After we got everything up to my room Jese went to his room to unload everything and set up his fish tank so he can get some fish. I started to unload everything but then I noticed my fridge had mold in it because it didn't stop dripping water untill after I left (we had to unplug them) so I spent a half an hour cleaning out the mold and 409ing the whole fridge. It also took me about a half an hour to fill up my fish tank. Around 9:00 I finally got done unpacking everything so Jese came over to watch Miami Ink on TLC with me. After that was done we watched Duplex but I fell asleep around 11:40 so I didn't see the ending but that is okay because I have seen it before and I own it! Today I am going fish shopping and I am going to dust my room too. Well that is all I know for now so audios!
Christa Wadekamper
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