This is the mussel Jese ate!!
First of all I would like to say Happy Birthday to my wonderfull mother!! She is now 44 years-old, man she sure is getting up there!!!
Yesterday, two of my classes were cancled so I was done with school at 11:00!!! It was sweet, but Jese still had classes and I had nothing to do so I read my book! They mentioned chinese food in it and then I got a craving for chinese so for supper Jese and I went to a local chinese place (mostley because we couldn't afford to fly to China) and got the buffet take-out!! We decided to try some chesse covered mussel but I chickend out and didn't eat it, it looked slimy! Kat was still sick at home so I was stuck here by myself most of the night because Jese had a review session for his test he had today. I watched Americas Next Top Model and Lost and both were very good episodes!! Yesterday morning the mold guy came, at 8:45, he sure is lucky I was up!! Thankfully I didn't have to be in the room when he cleaned it up because when I came back it smelled like bleach. He said taht the building leaks really bad and the mold is probably from the drain right outside of our room, which is right where the mold was, cool huh!! Today it is supposed to rain out but it hasn't yet :( , I love the rain, I wish it would storm out all day!! I brought my umbrella to class with me today in hopes that I could use it but I could not :( Well that is all I know for today!
Untill next time, good night, and good luck!!
Christa W.