Yes Hello!! Not much has happened the last few days. My jerk cat, oreo scratched my stomach open and now there is a scab there. My other jerk cat, pizza knocked my violets off the window sill and it broke so there was glass all over and I had to clean it up before going to class. I was super mad at her so a held her down and squirted her with water, she scratched my hand open then. Last night I made Gloria's sloppy joes, they were really good, Jese liked them lots and lots!! It is super cold out today, I don't like it very much. Well I don't really know anything so bye!!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Congrats Jese!!!
Today Jese found out that he made the Deans List!!!! I am very excited for him!! Now I can say I am marrying a smart guy! This weekend we really didn't do very much. Yesterday (saturday) Jese worked from 7-3. After that we did some shopping for amy's baby shower! I am pretty sure she will never guess what I got her!! We both did some homework yesterday and today. On friday I made lasagna, it tasted really good but it was runny because we used the cheapest spagetti sauce there is in it! It thickened up in the fridge though so the leftovers were really good! Today I played the Sims 2 for a long time!! It was lots of fun!! Well I don't really know anything else!!
oh yes, some people got the wrong impression about my last blog, I have only gained 5 lbs, and I can't even really tell besides the fact I don't have any muscles anymore!
oh yes, some people got the wrong impression about my last blog, I have only gained 5 lbs, and I can't even really tell besides the fact I don't have any muscles anymore!
Friday, January 26, 2007
"I believe that every human has a finite number of heart-beats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises." -Buzz Aldrin

I have a problem with America. Everyone is obsessed with their own, and other peoples weight. Now people are even saying that Tyra Banks looks fat (and yes I have heard people I know say this also!) I think that Tyra Banks looks healthy and she looks like what a role model should look like, not like Kate Moss who looks way to skinny. Think about it, would you like your teenage daughter to look in a magazine and see someone who looks like Tyra or Kate Moss, and then base their life on how that person looks and strive to look like that person. I know that if I had a daughter I would not want them looking at most of the models today. Personally I think curvy women look better. If I were a man, or a lesbian I would definatly not want to hug someone and be afraid that the were going to break!
I like the way I look, sure I am not in as good of shape as I was in during high school but who wants to spend their free time trying to perfect their body. I would much rather spend time with friends, or read a good book. I can understand wanting to work out on occasion but I think many people today are taking to the extreme, same goes with food. I love food and I am going to eat what I want but I eat it moderation (most of the time!) I love to cook and bake but that doesn't mean that I am going to eat everything I make in one seating like some people like to think. Yes I have gained a few pounds, my butt (and boobs!) have gotten bigger but when I think about it I don't really care. I have been starting to think about starting to run again but it wasn't for me, it was so other people wouldn't look at me and say man she needs to work out, or when people hear how much I cook and bake they say, man you are going to have to start working out. I don't care that I don't weight 108-113 lbs like I did in high school. I have decided that untill I think I don't look good anymore I am not going to waste my life doing something that I really don't like to do like running.
I feel sorry for all of the girls in middle school and high school right now because they have to look at all of these models, actress, and singers and think, this is what I have to look like. I find it gross that people want to look like that. Even guys are having to look better now, everywhere I go I here guys talking about what part of their body they need to work on and now I here guys who look just fine to me watching what their eating and saying no to a cookie or pizza, or anything that taste good! I think it is good to eat healthy but I think it is good to not live your life hating what your eating.
Anyways I just wanted to say what I thought about people saying Tyra Banks is fat, I think that she is my role model now, she has come very far in her life and now she has to be critizied for gaining some weight. I hope some (hopefully everyone!) people get something out of this and realize that there is more to life then the way you look. Instead of working out everyday, watch a movie with someone. Instead of eating healthy every second of the day eat a whole batch of cookies in 3 days all by yourself!!
Not super skinny and proud of it!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hello! Well not much has happened since sunday, that is why I have not updated! On monday I fell down the stairs outside of the apartment because they didn't have them shoveled yet. I think I bruised my tail bone, it still hurts lots :( I just take ibprofen every morning and that makes it fell better but it has worn off now so my bum hurts again! Yesterday my afternoon class got cancled because the teacher was sick so I got done at 1:00! That was nice because then I got an early start on my homework. This morning I did my Business Law, we are now on criminal law which is a little bit better than civil law but it stil sucks balls! Jese and I went grocery shopping so now we have all of the food we will need for all of the meals I am making up untill next friday! Except for the store was out of jumbo pasta shells so Jese will have to buy them later! After that I did some more of my business law, I just got done with it! Tonight Jese and I have a biology lab from 4-5:50, but some people said that it doesn't take that long, hopefully they are right! After that Jese is going to go lift with Tim and then they are both coming back here for pizza burgers and a movie! Well I best be continuing with my homework now!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything." -Mary Hemingway
Hello! It is snowing outside right now!!! That means I am going to have to go move my car though so they can plow the parking lot. That means I might fall, Jese fell this morning when he was bring the laundry down to be washed and there was an icicle that fell on the stairs and it was covered in snow and he stepped on it, there were only three steps left though so he didn't fall far!! Thursday night Tim and Toph came over after Grey's Anatomy to watch Employee of the Month with us, it was actually kind of funny. They played xbox games with Jese after it so I didn't fall asleep untill like 12:30. On friday I had my classes again, business law still sucks balls! The teacher was lecturing so fast nobody could write anything down but I had lots of what she said in my notes already from when I read the book so that is good! I made 2 home made pizzas for supper and Tim and Toph came over to eat some with us, then they played video games some more and I made brownies, then we watched the stupiest movie ever, Brotherhood of the Wolf, they liked it though but I didn't, I think it is stupid! Yesterday Jese and work from 9-6 so I was home alone most of the day. I did some homework and I took an hour long nap with the cats on my bed where the sun was shinning!! Today Jese and I were going to go see a movie but there are no good ones in the theater here so we are just going to go rent a movie and make popcorn and get movie candy and pretend we are at a theater! Well right now I am going to go do some more homework now, how exciting!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Hello! It is snowing outside right now!!! That means I am going to have to go move my car though so they can plow the parking lot. That means I might fall, Jese fell this morning when he was bring the laundry down to be washed and there was an icicle that fell on the stairs and it was covered in snow and he stepped on it, there were only three steps left though so he didn't fall far!! Thursday night Tim and Toph came over after Grey's Anatomy to watch Employee of the Month with us, it was actually kind of funny. They played xbox games with Jese after it so I didn't fall asleep untill like 12:30. On friday I had my classes again, business law still sucks balls! The teacher was lecturing so fast nobody could write anything down but I had lots of what she said in my notes already from when I read the book so that is good! I made 2 home made pizzas for supper and Tim and Toph came over to eat some with us, then they played video games some more and I made brownies, then we watched the stupiest movie ever, Brotherhood of the Wolf, they liked it though but I didn't, I think it is stupid! Yesterday Jese and work from 9-6 so I was home alone most of the day. I did some homework and I took an hour long nap with the cats on my bed where the sun was shinning!! Today Jese and I were going to go see a movie but there are no good ones in the theater here so we are just going to go rent a movie and make popcorn and get movie candy and pretend we are at a theater! Well right now I am going to go do some more homework now, how exciting!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Back to the Grindstone
Hello! Well yesterday I had my first day of classes! I found out that my Business Law class is going to suck even more balls than I thought!! The teacher came in and just started talking about what a good client does for a lawyer and then after 20 minutes she said okay you can leave and go read your book. The girl next to me asked me what that stuff had to do with our class and I said I don't know, but I was wondering the same thing!! In my Microcomputers in business class we all found out that we got the wrong book because the bookstore ordered the wrong one and put the wrong one online so that means I can't return mine because I bought it on but one girl told me I might be able to sell it to one of the bookstores in town. The book we are supposed to have costs like $25 though on amazon so at least it is cheaper! I think my classes are going to be a bit harder this semester but I am already studing for them so that is good!! Jese is at a class right now. When he gets back we are going to go grocery shopping. Last night we went over to Lourdes and visited Timmy and Toph. We got back at like 10:30 and then I played with the kittens a little bit and then I went to bed! Jese stayed up until midnight studying! Well that is all I know for now!!
Oh yes for those of you who call me every thursday, yes grey's anatomy is new tonight!!
Oh yes for those of you who call me every thursday, yes grey's anatomy is new tonight!!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
"Open up, it's the police"

Hello! Well on thursday Jese and I drove back to waseca but before that Jese was nice and brought my car into walmart to have the oil change. The retards there decided that it would be a good idea to open my window though and since it is broke it wouldn't shut again. We had to drive all the way from winona to waseca with the window wide open! It was very cold but I wore a scarf, hat and mittens so it was kind of like snowmobiling without a helmet or snow!! When we got to waseca amy, mother, and I went to faribault and got mother a little kitten only he really isn't little! He is younger than pizza and bigger!! There was a little gray kitten, he was so cute and he kept saying Christa bring me home with you, but I didn't :( poor little guy, he will probably be killed :( After that Amy and I went back to her house and I cooked her and father some really good food! Except Father kept trying to stir it and I wouldn't let him! When Adam got there I reheated it for him so he would fix my car!! On friday amy, jese, and I went to mothers for spagetti and then we played scatigories, Amy lost!! After that we went back to her house and we played scrabble three times with jese and adam!! On saturday Jese and I had to meet with the pastor for our wedding, he forgot about us though so we went to his house because he lives right next to jese's house! After that we helped adam paint the babies room, but we didn't help finish because I don't like to do the paintbrush stuff! After that we drove home, this time with the window up because adam fixed it for me!! What a nice guy!! When we got back we went and picked up timmy lien from his dorm room and brought him back to our apt. I made steak and potatoes for supper, it was yum-o! We watched a movie and then Jese brought Tim back to his dorm! Then the worst thing in my life happend!! It was like 11:30 and I was almost asleep and Jese was working on a crossword puzzle and all of the sudden we heard a knocking and someone yelling "OPEN UP, IT'S THE POLICE! WE KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE. YOU SHOULD JUST COME OUT BECAUSE WE ARE GOING TO CALL THE APT MANAGER...." and this went on for like 5 minutes. Jese and I peeked out the window and saw the police man at the apt. builing right across from us. The guy didn't come out though so I think they are going to come back again looking for him. After that I couldn't sleep so we put in sisterhood of the traveling pants and I fell asleep about half way through that! Today I have vaccumed the floors and Jese and I went to Wal mart to get him a book and a few other things! We were going to get notebooks and folders but they were all sold out so we will have to go to target tomorrow! Right now Jese and Tim are working out in the living room so they are kind of in my way! Oh yes this morning I washed some clothes and I made Jese come down with me incase the criminal was around!! Well I am going to sweep the floor now so bye!! Oh yeah, I am going to make steak fajita for supper tonight!!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
"We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch." -John F. Kennedy
Hello! Well I have done lots today!! This morning I did the dishes, swept, and vaccuumed! Well I guess that isn't a lot of things but I did it all this morning right away! I also made some strawberry muffins, they weren't from scratch though! I read my book a bit today because I want to finish it! Jese has gotten 4 of the books he ordered for school and I haven't got any yet :( hopefully I get them soon! Last night I did not sleep very good because Jese has now decided to breath as loud as he can without snoring and it is very annoying so I kick him and he doesn't even wake up, jerk! Last night I went to bed at like 10:30 and I was super tired but I didn't fall asleep until after midnight :( I was not a happy-kamper! I just got done playing the Sims 2 Pets! I only played for like half an hour though because I didn't really feel like playing it! I did one of Jese's crossword puzzles in the crossword puzzle book he has but it only took me like ten minutes because it was super easy! Well I really don't know anything else, that is probably because not much happened today! Oh yes I have to start school next week :( not until wednesday though because monday we have no school and tuesday I have no classes again!! Well thats all!
Monday, January 08, 2007
"Throw that one back, his head is to close to his tail!" -Jese's xbox fishing game
Hello! Right now I am waiting for a load of laundry to be done drying. Yes that is right I am doing laundry in Winona! I did not feel like dragging it home again! Right now I am only washing towels, Jese did some clothes yesterday too! We still have a few more loads to do but we are running out of quarters in the quarter jar so I have empty out my purse and all of my pockets so we have more!! This weekend Conor and Kathryn came to visit us! We played games all night long! Jese and I are super good at Taboo!! Yesterday I was really tired and stuffed up (no I am not allergic to my cats!!) so I decided that Jese and I should go fishing on his xbox for half of the day!! That way I could lay in bed because the xbox is in the bedroom!! I have not broke my new tv rule yet though because that wasn't watching tv!! Tonight I am going to make home made pizza for supper and tomorrow is going to roast and potatoes. Potatoes were on sale so we got a big bag of them so now we have to eat them!! On wednesday I want to make a rachael ray meal, it is double chicken dumpling stoup!! It looks really good!! It was in this months magazine! Well I have to go check my laundry now because it has been ten minutes since I was down there and it was almost done then!!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
"Every artist was first an amateur." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hello! Well on monday our garbage disposal stopped working and now the sink won't even drain today unless we use a plunger so Jese went down to the office this morning at 9 0'clock and they still haven't come to fix it. Jese said that the guys boss told him that he has something else to do first, that was two hours ago and I want to use my sink!! I am not very happy about it, jerks. Yesterday I made m&m cookies, they are really yummy! Jese and I went grocery shopping yesterday we got oranges and they are really yummy! Right now Jese is trying to find something to do right now because I said don't you have something to do other than play video games and now he can't find anything to do! I looked on and amazon for my books for next semester, if I get the cheapest ones it will cost $298.10, if I get all used ones from the bookstore it will cost $417.25. I have to go to the bookstore and make sure they are all the same books though because I am not sure if they are. I think I will do that tomorrow so I can order them and get them before school starts! Well I don't really know much more! Bye!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
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