Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Busy Weekend!!

Hello All!! Well this weekend was a busy one!! After work on Friday Jese and I drove to Waseca to Amy's house because that is where we stayed the night! On Saturday morning Jese got up bright and early to go to work at a barn with Dad, Grandpa, and Adam and I got up to babysit baby Liam so Amy could sleep in after working Friday night. By the time she got up and ready to go it was 2:00 and we went to Faribault so we could clean Dad's basement for his birthday (yes that is what he wanted!) After that I went to my friends house and grilled out with her and a few other people! I stayed there untill 10:45 then went to Waseca where I meet up with Jese and Conors house! We stayed there that night because it was late! On Sunday morning we got up at 8:30 and went to McDonalds for breakfast and then we went and ate it on Amy's doorstep waiting for her to get up so we could play games!! Then we played games untill 1:30 then we drove back to Wy-noona because I had a stupid work meeting! After my meeting was over we drove back to Faribault so eat supper with dad, amy, adam, and baby liam. We had steak, salmon, and chicken, and also mushrooms and baby potatoes! I had steak and it was super good!! Amy and I put together a Little Mermaid puzzle that was 2X3 ft in dad's unfurnished bedroom, we left it there too!! (oh yeah, I guess dad helped too!!) After the Hags left Jese and I set up our tent and camped in the front yard for the night!! On Monday I had a dentist appointment because I had to have some cavities filled then Jese and I went to DQ to get Dad some Dilly Bars for his birthday treat for at work, I am pretty much his favorite!! I ate one too but seeing as my mouth was still numb from novicane I also ate my cheeks and they are still recovering two days later!! After that we went to Waseca to play some more games with Amy!! Then when mother called us we went to her house so I could do some stuff on her computer for her because she is computer illiterate!! Then Jese, Mom, and I went to Faribault to meet with the caterer for our wedding, she was late, jerk!! We were there for 1 hr 45 min. listening to all of her stories!! Our menu for the wedding is going to be: Pork Roast Loin, Mashed Potatoes and gravey, Corn, Chutney, Tossed Salad (with Cherry Tomatoes (jese's request!)), Pickles/olives, and assorted breads with butter!! We are also having apple cider in addition to the regular punch, yum-o!! So then we drove back to waseca to get our car from mothers and then we stopped in Owatonna for gas and supper (subway) and then headed back to Wy-nooona! We got back at 11:20, way later then we wanted so then we went straight to bed. Yesterday I had to work even though I was never told so I ended up being 30 min. late since I was unaware of having to work but they couldn't care less! Well Jese should be back soon and we have to go to the bank so I have to change in to different (non-pj) clothes!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes." -Doctor Who

Hello again!! Summer must suck for all of you blog readers because there is nothing going on in the blog writers lifes and so that means no fun updates!!! Well this weekend I worked. On Saturday it was super busy so I didn't have to go home early, yeepee! But on Sunday it was super dead because the Steamboat days parade was going on so I got sent home a couple hours early, jerks!! On Monday I got to work and it started to pour so it was dead again! They wanted to send me home after like an hour but since the manager wasn't there we have to call her to find out if I can go home and I told them to wait because I was gettiing sent home early lots and so I didn't want to leave after an hour, so I left an hour and a half early instead! Yesterday I read HP (harry potter for you non-harry fanaticts!) because the last book comes out next month and so I have to re-read all of them so I remeber what is going on! I am on book 4 right now! We almost got our new apartment stuff done, they just have to finish the background check and we will be in like flin, well not really because we don't get to move in right away, jerks!! We should hear from them today or tomorrow! I work tomarrow and friday :( but I get the weekend off so that is good!! Well I am going to resume my reading now so peace out dudes!!

(By the way I am getting really sick of Finding Nemo because that is what every little kid wants to watch at work when they are waiting, jerks!)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Adventures for the day!!

Hello! Well today I worked from 9-3:45, I left 15 min. early because Pam, the owner got there early so then I could leave!! After work Jese and I went to the lake to watch some boat racing, it was sweet!! Really they don't race untill tomorrow, they were just practicing!! They were very load!! After that we went to wisconsin to pick some strawberries, they are very yummy!!! We got $9.95 worth, I don't know how many pounds though, he never told us what is was per pound. I just got done cleaning all of them, it took me almost an hour!!! We had mcdonalds for supper, not very healthy!!!! Well I don't really know anything else for now so bye!!

oh yes, Amy thanks for the popsicle recipe!!

Just a Quicky!!

Hello all! Well I laid in bed for an hour and half and couldn't fall asleep so I thought I would grace you all with a visit!! Not much happened this week! I started out the week working for Julie on Monday and stayed late (untill 8:30 or so) so I had tuesday and wednesday off! On tuesday I went grocery shopping right away in the morning and then I walked over to Bronks to get some freash strawberries, I only ate about half of them on the walk back! Then when Jese got home for his lunch we went over to Fairway Woods apts. to get an application but no one was there, jerks! It looked very nice there though, there is a pool and they don't let any sex offenders or anyone with 2 or more DWIs stay there!! After Jese went back to work I drove to HyVee and picked up some salmon for supper, it was super good! I grilled it in tinfoil with butter, lemon zest/juice/pepper and dill, yum-o! I also made au grutain potatoes for on the side! Jese and I walked to walmart and then to Dairy Queen for mr. misty's also that night! Oh yeah, and I read outside for about an hour and got attacked by some killer mallards in the park too!! On wednesday I didn't do anything but read my harry potter book!! It was quite nice!! Today I had to work :( but I did finally get off the week we are going up north, yeepee!! Bad news is the last three weeks of august are black out days and there are some weddings that month so hopefully they all fall on my weekends off!! I am going in to work at 9 tomorrow to cover for the other girl, again but that is okay because I stay untill 4 so I will be getting 7 hours instead 5 hours tomorrow!! Plus I won't get sent home early because I won't be there in the evening! I also work sat. and sunday :( But oh well, I do get the next two weekends off because I worked two in a row!! Jese and I will find out if we get to move into Fairway Woods apt. by monday we got applications today and Jese handed them in, I am hoping we do get in, they are some of the nicest ones in wy-noooona!! Well I guess I will try to fall asleep again wish me luck!! Maybe I shouldn't have taken a half an hour nap before work today then maybe I could sleep!!
I guess it wasn't just a quicky!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just a note, Jese went swimming after a frisbee today with his phone so now it isn't working, haha!! So you can't call him!

A lot has happened!!

Hello! Well a few things have happened since I last wrote!! On thursday I worked 2:30-8 but I got done at 6:30, yea!! When I got out to my car I noticed that a shopping cart hit it but I didn't see any damage because it just looked like it hit my tire so I drove on home happy because I got done early!! So then Jese and I decided to go out to eat because we never do so we went to Jefferesons and I got a Gyro with just the meat on it, it was delish!! Jese had some chicken sandwich that looked good minus all of the veggies on it!! Then we went and walked along the Mississippi River and I noticed a beach on the other side (the Wisconsin side!!) So we decided to go over there but first we had to go back home so I could change out of my work pants and so we could get our camera!! On our way back out we we decided to take my car and that is when I noticed that my undamaged car was damaged!! The front left blinker was smashed out by what apperaed to be a shopping cart, image that!!! So we went to walmart and filed a report to their insurance company but it didn't matter because they aren't going to pay for a new one, jerks!! So then we went to the beach I discovered and found it wasn't a very clean beach!! It was more like some sand alongside a river with some river rats living near by!! But I did find a sweet swing that I went swinging on!! See here is a picture of me swinging, and one of Jese too!!

So then after that we decided to drive to Fountain City, that is in Wisconsin because Jese heard there were some good resturants there, but we didn't see any. So then we came across the sign that said Minn this way, Wisc this way, and we decided to take the Minn way and go back home!! We got back at 9:30 from our adventures!!
On Friday we did something but I can't remeber what...let me think minute...oh yes, we tried to find the local beach, we drove around all morning and didn't find it, I will look up online to see where it is at!! Then I went to work at 3, I didn't get back home untill 8:45 because some hookers decided to come in right before we closed, jerks!! Yesterday I worked AAAALLLLLL day!!! Afterwards Jese and I went to go see Knocked Up, it was a humorus movie!! Then we came home! Today I was supposed to work 11-4 so I couldn't go home for Liams baptism and then it wasn't busy at all and I got sent home at 1:30, jerks!! It is super nice outside today!! Jese and I decided that we aren't going to stay in these apartment because we found out that there is a 2nd degree Sex offender (7 counts of it) living here, gross, I don't want to live by him and the apt. we were going to move into was closer to him than we are now, that would be very scary!! So this week we are going to go look at other places to stay, I think we have one picked out we will just have to see if we can get in to it!! Well I guess I better go now because Jese and Rick are back from fishing, they kept 3 crappies and 1 walleye! Okay bye!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Game Day!!

Hello!! The kittens were trying to help Jese put line on his fishing pole today!! He didn't like it very much!!
Well today Jese and I got up early and went to get his hair cut, it looks very nice and it only cost $6! Then we went to Walmart to get some stuff for supper, I am making 4 cheese pasta shells, yummy!! Then we came back home and we played games untill Jese went to work! Oh but before we played games we feed Oscey 4 feeder fish, so far he has ate 3, 2 of them were in the first 2 minutes!! Then we took the kitties outside before it rained out! Then we played sequence, kerplunk, scrabble, and life!! It was lots of fun! Then Jese went to work and I dyed my hair light amber brown, it looks very nice!! Now I am sitting in my chair doing nothing, just what I like!! I have to work the next 4 days :( then I have monday off, work tuesday, wed. off, and then I work the next 4 days again :( Well that is all I know for now so bye!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Opps...messed up again!!

Well it turns out that I do work oppisite weekends as Jese, I just figured it out wrong again! I forgot to give myself 2 weekends off after I work 2 weekends in a row, opps!! Well on Sunday I drove home and amy, adam, and liam all came over for supper with papa and I, we had steak, potatoes, texas toast, and mushrooms, it was a very yummy meal!! Then Amy, Adam, and I played scrabble, Amy won again but I got second and Adam lost haha!! Cassie and Nick didn't come down to hang out with us, the jerks, but that is okay because we still had fun!! Baby Liam is getting very big!! On Monday I went to the dentist and I found out that I don't have to have my wisdom teeth taken out, yeepee!! They are still way down and the hot dentist guy said that they probably won't come in and if they do it won't be for a few years and if they don't by the time I am 24 they probably never will!! So after the dentist I went to the Deaf school to say good bye to father and the jerk made me work!!! I had to move a bench for him so he could mow where it was!! I guess it wasn't that hard of work!! I discovered I am about as white as a ghost and so I need to get for outside and tan so I don't look like a loser!! Today I work at 2:30-8, darn!! On Friday I will have been there for 2 whole weeks!! Tomorrow Jese and I are talking to the landlord and figuring out when we can move into a 2 bedroom apt. I am very excited to move we are way the cramped in this one because it is to small!! Well that is all I know for today I guess I will just go eat some FRESH strawberries because we have a few left since I didn't bring any home for father!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Yum-o strawberries!!

Hello! Well I don't know too much today, sorry! Yesterday Jese and I went driving around and stopped at Bronc's for some fresh strawberries!! They were yuuuummy! We almost ate the whole quart already!! We also stopped at an Indian thing that was going on in the park, it wasn't to exciting alls they had there was jewlery, dreamcatchers, and commercial indain stuff. Oh yes and they had a big bald eagle, I didn't realize how big they were, I felt bad for it though because they had it tied to the ground with a rope that was 5 ft. long and it tried to fly but it just fell to the ground, and they stored it in a big dog kennel, poor poor eagle! Jese took a test today at work so now he can get promoted to a CSS, they are kind of like the managers of the cashiers I think, so hopefully he will be able to do that! This morning when I was done reading my paper creep-o neighbor walked by and looked in my windows again, and saw me and so I quickly went to take a shower so if he knocked on the door I wouldn't hear it so I wouldn't be able to answer!! The jerks at work messed up my schedule and so now I do have to work next weekend, I am not happy about it at all. But the good news is that now I have the same weekends off as Jese and Amy, but that means now I don't have any weekends off that I need so I will have to end up switching with the other receptionist anyways. Well I must go now because I am driving home today so I can go to the dentist tomorrow, yuck!!