Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
We have a ghost!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Stupid work!
Monday, July 21, 2008
My love has returned...
oh yeah, yes-TERD-ay we bought some more fish for our fish tank so now it is full and looks way better!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
We are home
Hello!! Jese and I drove over 1000 miles in the last two days to get home!! We weren't going to leave Glacier till today but yesterday when we got up it was rainy and I looked at the forecast and it said it was going to rain in the afternoon too so we decided to pack up and head out! We left at noon and we stopped in Glendive, MT for the night. We ended up staying in a hotel since we had everything packed up and it took two hotels to find a room for us!! Then today we were on the road again by 8:00 and we got home at 8:30, it was a very very long drive!! Today I have been in Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wiscosin!! Jese missed an exit in the cities so we ended up taking a different road home which brought us into WI and then back to MN! Right now I am uploading all of our pictures to walmart to be printed off, we have way to many pictures...412!! Jese got a little picture happy some days! But that is okay, at least we will have a few good ones in there!! We are watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith right now, it is super loud and we lost our remote for the stero so now Jese is sitting by it so he can turn it down during the fighting scenes!! Okay well that is all I know later!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Oh no!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hello!! We are still alive, we didn't get ate by any bears yet!! Today we drove FOREVER!! We are in Missoula, MT right now, we are staying in a hotel tonight because we wanted to!! Tomorrow we will just have to drive a couple of hours to Glaicer then we won't have to drive again until Thursday!! Our trip so far has been lots of fun!! All though I am having trouble getting my homework done for one of my classes because I don't have the internet all the time, so now the teacher has given me another lead disscusion thing for our discussions because I haven't been contributing enough (because I can't!!) On the next ones I should have the internet though so that is good! Tonight we ate at a delish Mexican resturant, but now Jese doesn't feel good, poor poor Jese!! Today we drove through yellowstone and saw Old Faithful, we didn't stay there long though because we had a long drive. It was Jese's day to drive so I slept almost the whole time!!! Okay well I have a movie I have to watch for my film class now so later gators, I will try to update again next week!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Less than 24 hours!!!
p.s. Amy this is my 445th post, you have the next two weeks to catch up!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I am so smart!!

"That's Outragous!"
