Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I just got back from the garage sale a little bit ago! I think I made lots of money, I had hardly anything left, just one bag of clothes and a box of stuff, which just had a printer, VCR, and a couple pairs of shoes!! Now I am at home with nothing to do but clean but that is boring! I thought about doing to laundry but I don't really want to do it now. Someone should come visit me, I am bored! Jese won't be home until dark so that will be awhile yet. Tomorrow we are going to Whitewater State Park to go camping even though it is supposed to rain. Okay well I am going to clean the kitty litter and do the dishes now!

Friday, May 29, 2009

"I picked up a kaiser blade that was a layin' there by the screen door, some folks calls it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade."-Karl,Sling Blade

Jese slept for two hours in the window seat!!
Hello! Right now we are watching sling blade, mmm hmm! Jese has never seen it before so I decided we should watch it. We also watched the movie Prom Night, it was pretty good. Today we got up nice and early to watch Liam and Josie and the bring them to Adam's sisters so she could watch them for the day. Once we got to Faribo we went to the garage sale and worked there all day. Jese took a break to mow papa's grass, I was going to do it but he was bored so he did it instead. When we got home Jese slept untill 7:30, then I woke him up so he would sleep tonight. Tomorrow he is working on a barn and I am working at the garage sale again. Okay well that is enough for today...he's not funny haha, he's funny queer--that's what the little boy says in Sling Blade, hehe!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

in and out all day long!

Hello again! I know this is my second time updating today!! I made up my business cards for my bakery! I took the phone number and email off for the one I put on here because I didn't really want to advertise to all of the world!! All day long the landlords have been in and out of here because they are working in the basement like I said this morning. It is getting really annoying!! I am not working tonight with papa because my arms and me are too tired. Today I cleaned the downstairs, I wanted to do the upstairs too but the people keep coming in and out and I don't know how I feel about them coming in when I am upstairs. Okay well I don't feel like writing any more!

So Sleepy...

Good morning. I am sleepy today, well I was yesterday too. I have had no energy lately. Yesterday I didn't do anything untill 4:00. That is when I drove over to Faribault to work on a barn with papa. Now my arms are tired today and I have to do it again today :( The landlord people are working on the apartment next door and they are really loud, jerks. Some time today they are going to come over and go in the basement to change all the electrical work down there so everyone has access to their fuse boxes without having to come through our apartment. I think I might lay down and watch a movie this morning :) Right now I am watching Ellen. Okay well I am going to go eat some breakfast now.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm home!

Hello! Well I am home from up north! I had lots of fun up there! I got nice and tan, well kind of burned!! I stopped by Grandma and Grandpa B.'s house to give them some fish before I came back to Waterville. Now I am home! This week is going to be really busy!! On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night I am working with dad from 4:30-dark, on Friday I have to babysit for Amy, on Saturday I am working the garage sale, and on Sunday Jese and I are going camping. On Thursday I also want to make some mini tuxedo cakes to sell at the garage sale to get my name out there in case someone wants me to bake them some cakes! I still want to open my bakery so first I should try to get some customers! Right now Jese and I are watching the Bachlorette! I am tired so I am going to lay down on the couch now!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I can never get anything done!!!

Living close to family makes it way harder to get anything done!! When we moved in Winona I had everything unpacked and cleaned in two days, we have been living here for 3 weeks and I am still not done!! Everytime I start to do something I get distracted, either by going somewhere or people coming here!! The good news is our basement is now clean and we have our windows back, yea!! Now that the basement is clean I will be able to put all of our camping stuff and holiday decorations down there so then the upstairs will get clean fast!! Tonight is game night, yea!!! I am excited! Okay well my salmon is done now so I have to go eat before everyone gets here, bye!
Oh yes, there was a window AC in the basement that works so we will be able to use it in the bedroom, yea!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Careful, it's a jungle out there!!

Hello! Our lawn is getting so long it is looking like we have a jungle for a front yard!! Jese called the landlords again today and they didn't answer so then he called them right back with my phone and for some reason they were able to answer the phone!! He said they sounded suprised when it was him, haha! The jerks are avoiding our calls! They took our windows almost two weeks ago and still have not brought them back, the basement still needs to be cleaned out, and we still have no lawn mower!! They said they are going to have someone come cut the grass this one time untill they can figure something out. Aparently the last guy that lived here owned his own mower so they thought we would own one even though we have only lived apartment complexes where they mow the grass for you!! They are going to come with the windows and clean the basement on Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll believe it when I see it, jerks!
This weekend was a fun but busy one! On Saturday we managed to get all 8 cakes delivered and ate, they were all very good and were a huge hit! On Saturday we Grandma and Grandpa's anniversary party, it was fun to see everyone again. Then after that we went to Alicia's grad party, we had lots of fun there!! We got back home around 11:30 because Jese had to work the next morning. On Sunday I did some grocery shopping and a lot of cleaning!! Our downstairs is finished besides the curtians, those need to be hemmed, they are way to long! Tomorrow I plan on working in the upstairs.
This morning Jese and I got up at 5:45 because we were supposed to babysit for Amy but apparently we didn't need to because she didn't go to work. So instead we went down to Winona and got the rest of our stuff cleaned out (mostly fish) and turned in our keys, we are offically out of there! We were out of Winona by 8:45!! On our way back we stopped in at the Blind School to say hi to Papa and to give him my old camera to use till his gets fixed. Then on our drive back to Waterville I decided we should take a tour of the town so we drove around one of the lakes which ended up taking us back to Morristown, opps! Jese wanted to take it easy today because it is his last day off for 10 days so he has been playing video games all day, even though it is nice out! So since he is taking a lazy day I decided to do the same and I have been spending the day catching up on some more shows!
Tomorrow I will be much more productive, I have cleaning upstairs to do, resumes to send out, garden work to do, and homework to get ahead on! I want to get way ahead on my homework because I have decided to go up north this weekend with Papa so I have to get it all done so I don't have to do it up there! Okay well this blog is long enough! Oh yes, Wednesday night is Game Night so don't forget to come, so far we have the Hagre Family and the Papa Family coming!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

So sleepy!!

Fridge full of cakes! There are 5 here and 3 in Amy's fridge!!
Half of the cake I managed to save from the ground

One of the anniversary cakes

another anniversary cake

Alicia's Graduation Cake, I wish I wouldn't have wrote on it in my sloppy handwritting!!
I am so sleepy! For the last two days it has been nothing but cakes, cakes, and more cakes!! I have frosting in my hair even!! Jese didn't work today so he was able to be a big help! He took care of the round cakes for me and frosted all of those. He also ran for more supplies for me whenever I ran out (three times, the last at 12:30 AM) We managed to get them all done though so now we can sleep in tomorrow, yea!! I also went garage saling today with Alicia and Amy, the garage sales sucked this year, I didn't find a single Christmas decoration to buy!! After that Jese and I drove over to Dad's for Rita's suprise birthday party, I didn't know it was a suprise!! We only stayed long enough to eat because we still had 3 cakes with no frosting and 5 other unfinished cakes!! We just got done with them (around 1:30 AM) We even got the kitchen cleaned up and the dishes washed (but not put away) I hope everyone likes the cakes, even if someone doesn't please don't tell me because I may just have to hurt you after all that work I did!! In total I mixed up 9 cakes and ended up with 8 1/2 (the chocolate round cakes were two batters but 3 cakes) I used over 10lbs of suger, not counting powdered sugar, that is a lot!! I also used 80 oz of cream cheese, and 4 cups of butter, gross!! Okay well it is really late now so I am going to bed! See everyone (pretty much) tomorrow (which is today!)

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm Alive!!

Hello! Sorry about the lack of updates! I haven't had the internet since we moved!!! We just got it installed today, yeepee!! Well lets see what has happened since last time, oh yes, I GRADUATED, then I went up north!! I had lots of fun up north! I have some pictures but my camera is in the other room and I don't feel like getting up. Today I baked all day long!! It wasn't a very good day. I started out by dropping half a cake on the floor so I had to make another one. Then on my second to last cake for the day I forgot to spray the pan so the cake wouldn't come out and so that one was ruined also so then I needed to make ANOTHER one! I ran out of some of my ingrediants though since I had to make 2 extra cakes so I gave up for the night and I will get up early tomorrow (which is really today because it is 12:04am) and make them. I need 7 cakes total, 3 round and 3 half sheet for G&G Becker's Anniversary party and 1 half sheet for Alicia's grad party, all on Saturday!! Tomorrow is frosting day, I will be working on that all day! Jese will be here to help me though, he is getting good at the frosting. Then at 4:00 I am going garage saling in Waseca for city wide garage sales! Then after that I am going to Papas for a bonfire! On Saturday I am going to the anniversary party and then to Alicia's graduation party. On Sunday I have no plans yet, I think I will just sleep the whole day! It is late but I am not tired because I had to empty my fridge out for the cakes so I have no juice to drink so I ended up drinking way to much Pepsi today, our water is gross that is why I didn't drink that in case you were wondering! Okay have a nice night (Amy), or day (everyone else!)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

So Bored!

Hello! Well today I is my last day of tests!! I have one test at 1:00 and the other at 3:30 and then I am done, yea!!! This morning I got up and packed up my car and then I went to Fantastic Sams to get my hair washed since I couldn't take a shower! After that I came to the library since my computer was dead and I had no charger! My phone is also dead becasue I talked on it to much yesterday, opps! I don't really know anything. I am just sitting here bored! I think I will read over all of my notes really quick and then go to my car and get my books and then go sell them at the bookstore since I won't need them anymore :) Okay well I guess I will do that! Have a nice day!


Monday, May 04, 2009

Almost finished!

Well I have one test done so far! I have another one in an hour and a half. I have been going over all of the material that is going to be on it for the last 1 1/2 hours! I am so bored!!! I have nothing to do now but wait for it to start. I forgot my computer charger in Waterville so I have to sit in the library and use on of theirs, great! I was planning on watching all of the Thursday night shows I missed last week tonight but since I have no charger my computer will probably only last for one show!!! It is 70 degrees outside here in Wy-nooona! This morning my test went okay, I am sure I did alright on the test. I am 100% sure I got 2 questions right because he accidentally stapled the answers on the back of all of the tests!! Nobody even realized it until a girl pointed it out and then he had us all turn the answers in, jerk! I did managed to see 2 answers though, I already had those questions right, I wish I would have seen some that I had wrong so I could have changed them. I am really sleepy, I had one pepsi before noon and I am on my second one now!!
We got everything moved to Waterville this weekend, it was exhausting!! I am glad we are done with it. It ended up taking 2 trucks, one trailer, and lots of car trips to get everything! Pizza and Oreo love the new place!! They like that it has lots of windows they can see out of. Jese spent all day yesterday getting the windows open. The last people that lived there painted and caulked them shut and the landlords "didn't have time" to fix them because we moved in so fast! So instead of waiting for them to do it, Jese just did it himself! We also went to Mother's yesterday so I could use her computer because we don't have internet yet. Jese was nice I reminded me that every time I go to hospitals I almost pass out so he ended up getting me out of babysitting Mama on Wednesday, now Amy gets to! I don't know why she wouldn't want me to go with her, I would just have to sit outside of the hospital!! I don't know why I don't like them so much!! No matter what I am going there for I always get like that! Once we went to see Jese's Great Aunt, whom I never meet before, and I still got woozy!!! I guess I am just a baby! After that we went to Father's for supper. Him and Rita made turkey, it was really yummy!! Jese went hunting for gophers after supper while I went through all of my junk in the garage, then we went back to Waterville!
This morning when I drove from Waterville to Winona I went super fast! I got here in 1 hr and 40 minutes!! I shaved 20 minutes off the time it should have taken me!! I normally don't drive that fast but I forgot to print off my notes for the test I had to take so I was trying to get back in time to do that! I did get back in time but my internet wouldn't work so I couldn't print them out anyways!!! After I took my test this morning I went to subway and got some lunch! Then I drove back to school and ate it in my car and then came over the library and here I have sat ever since! Okay well I guess I am going to go to the bathroom before I have to take my test and then study a little bit more!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Yea, no more classes!!!

Jese found this really good drawing I made for him a few years ago! Isn't it pretty!! The big bunny is saying, "I like to eat baby bunnies!" and the baby bunny is saying, "no, no, don't eat me!!" I know, I should become an artist!
Yesterday was a VERY busy day! I got up and did homework, went to class till 6:00 then went home and started packing! I packed untill 10:00, it was a very long night. I still have some more stuff to do today but I should get out of here around noon, I'm hoping anyways :) The kittens don't like the boxes everywhere very much, they probably won't like being in a kitty carrier for a few hours either. Poor kittens. I packed up my car last night so today I just have a few more things to put in it.
Jese went to the apartment already this morning, even though they told him it wouldn't be read untill noon. Well they decided that since the kitchen floor wouldn't dry (they were redoing the wood floor) they would just put linolium down instead so they are doing that this morning. They also have to clean out the basement, put a faucet in the kitchen, and close of one of the doors. They are closing off a door because our apartment used to be 3 bedrooms but they took one off and are making it a 3rd apartment instead. The guy told Jese everything would be done by 1:00 so hopefully it really is by the time I get there! Okay well I have to many things to do today so I can't be sitting on here anymore!