Baby W-R Countdown

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Exactly One Month Til My Birthday

Not much has happened lately. I rearranged my room again today because i didn't like how it was! Yesterday I found out that I did really good on my photography assignment. My score for that class is 98 out of 100. We have also done a quiz in that class. I think that is pretty dang good! Yesterday I ate some popcorn and got a kernal stuck in my mouth. It wasn't even in a tooth, it went way back behind them. I couldn't get it out and it was horriable. I tried to eat taffy to get it out (all of the good flavors are now gone :( bummer) I finally got it out about two hours later. It was huge. My mouth hurt a whole lot after that. Oh yes my computer also fell into my lip yesterday and it hurt a lot. Today I did not do too much. I did some homework and went to classes. Not to exciting. Well that is about it!!

Christa Ann Wadekamper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor-Poor Christa what you gonna do!

Love ya MOM