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Monday, January 16, 2006

I am the Champion!!

Well I just got beating Jese at a game on Monopoly!! We said we would stop at 10, and at that time if he went around the board one more time he would be bankrupt. He had to morgage almost all of his places as it was!!! Today I studied very hard. I wrote 7 pages (front and back so really it is 14) of notes on two chapters for microeconomics. Half of the notes are vocab. words though. Jese and I went to Wal-mart today to bring back a fish that died while he was gone. The fish lady loves us so she gave Jese 2 FREE fish and she only charged me $.28 for a $3.00 goldfish, it was just a great deal I had to get it (I also had to get a $2.00 fish bowl because the chilcids I have would have ate him in two minutes) I named him G2 (goldie #2) because he looks just like my goldie that Jese killed. He likes his bowl very much and swims alot! I have decided that I should drink more milk so I drink milk with every meal now (except for breakfast) I am soooo healthy! Also I only eat one hersheys bar a day and no ice cream. I like to eat pickles but then I get hungry for doritos and then another pickle so I am trying not to eat too many pickles. Well I am so tired from winning monopoly that I think that I have to go to bed now, I do have precalc tomarrow so I need to rest up for that!! Okay bye!!

Chrsita Ann Wadekamper (the monopolater) (get it like terminator)

Oh yea.....Happy 24th Birthday Cassie!!!! Man she is like an old grandma now, you would think by now she would have 3 kids....oh wait that was my mother!!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

way to get the good deals!!!!!!