Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

R.I.P Jumpie and Ciclie

Well last night Jese and I made it back to Winona around 7:30. We got a shopping cart and loaded it up with my stuff so we only had to make one trip up to my room, Jese had to carry the fish tank though, it was too heavy for me (him too but he won't admitt that he had to take a break half way to my room) Sadly not all of the fish survived, two of them died last night. I am pretty sure it was because of the chlorine in the water. They were not used to that because they had well water for a month. I still have the recipt from them though and there is a 90 day return and I am only on day 74 so I will bring them in a plastic bag to walmart today! Well back to last night. After we got everything up to my room Jese went to his room to unload everything and set up his fish tank so he can get some fish. I started to unload everything but then I noticed my fridge had mold in it because it didn't stop dripping water untill after I left (we had to unplug them) so I spent a half an hour cleaning out the mold and 409ing the whole fridge. It also took me about a half an hour to fill up my fish tank. Around 9:00 I finally got done unpacking everything so Jese came over to watch Miami Ink on TLC with me. After that was done we watched Duplex but I fell asleep around 11:40 so I didn't see the ending but that is okay because I have seen it before and I own it! Today I am going fish shopping and I am going to dust my room too. Well that is all I know for now so audios!

Christa Wadekamper

1 comment:

Amy said...