Hello. Today was a happy day, and now it is a sad day. While Jese and I were eating our lunch today a crime was committed, his bookbag was stolen. In that bookbag was his laptop and a 6 page philosophy final paper. The reason he did not have his laptop with him was not his fault however. The cafeteria never allows use to bring in bags to the dining area because too much food was being stolen. There is a place where everyone places their bags and nothing ever happens to them, unless your Jese and having a stressful day. So when we found it missing we searched on the bus even though we both remeber him taking it off the bus. After that we went to the security and filed a report, it is a good thing I went with Jese to do it because he could remeber his address here or his email. The securtiy guard said that they think they know who is doing because they found one that was sold on ebay from the guy and they have an investigator watching his ebay account. Sadly that doesn't matter to Jese because he doesn't have his computer back with his paper on it. You may be wondering why he didn't make copies of this paper but he did, but they too were in his bookbag. The security guard said that the cafeteria is supposed to be letting us bring in our bookbags now but they have not said anything to us about this and so he is going to email the hall director over here again and tell her she needs to put up signs telling everyone they can. The good news is that 5 have been stolen on Main Campus and they have recovered 3 so the odds are pretty good Jese will get his back, but not soon enough. For now I am letting him use my computer because I really just play games on it and don't have any school work to do on it so this my be my last blog for a little while, or at least untill I can steal it back from him!!
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