Hello everyone!! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile I have been super busy. On Sunday Dad, Jese, and I went down to Iowa to go see Nick's graduation. We left at 8:15 AM so that sucked because I didn't get to sleep in :( We got home around 11:30 PM so that sucked because I had to work on monday and I like to go to bed early. On monday I went to the dentists, yuck. The hygenist cleaned my teeth in like 15 minutes though so that was sweet!! I had to get off work and hour early because my appointment was at 3:00. Yesterday after work I went to my friend Alicia's house to grill out with her and 3 other friends, it was lots of fun but I left at 9:45 because I was tired and had to work today too because I work every weekday! Yesterday at work I took of my sweatshirt for the first time and I ended up burning my arms and now they hurt :( Today I got hot but when the sun toched my burn it hurt so I left my sweatshirt on, tomorrow I will put sunscreen on so I don't have to have a heat stroke!! Today I cooked tacos, they were wonderful! On friday I get my first paycheck!!!!!! I am so excited to have money again even though I am puting everything into savings except for the money I owe people. On friday I am also going up north again! Dad, me, Amy, Adam, and Jese are all going up, Jese is going for the Bass opener, Dad and Adam are going for the other fish, and Amy and I are just going to sleep in!! We will fish in the afternoons and evening. Well that is pretty much all I know for now so I will check back later when I know more!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Fish opener!!

Hello!! This weekend me my father, amy, adam, and jese all went up north for fishing opener. Even though it was opener for walleyes we mostly caught perch. They were all very big though and very tasty!! We got up there on Friday night about 11 o'clock. We got everything brought into the cabin and went to bed! On Saturday we went out to Round Lake and got a bunch of perch and Amy got 1 walleye and Grandpa got 1 walleye on sand. On Sunday Dad and Grandpa went to Round Lake again and got 35 large perch! That afternoon all six of us went in the boat and went back to the lake and got some more perch and Adam got a bully!! On Monday Jese, Adam, Dad, and Grandpa got up early and went to Winnie and they got 5 walleyes but they had to throw 2 back because they were too large and were protected by the slot. That night we all went to Sand Lake. Dad had a nice walleye on, at least 4 lbs, but it didn't get into the boat. I also got a nice walleye and Jese got one that was at least 10 inches long!! We didn't keep his!! On Tuesday we got up at 9 o'clock and got everything packed up and ready to go, we headed home at 10 o'clock and got home around 2:30. It was a very fun trip and I am very depressed because now I have to go back to work, mowing the grass is way hard!
Oh yes, if you were wondering, Jese got Amy's boot stuck on after we put out the dock on Saturday and so Adam had to pull them off!!
MY KITTEN HAD ITS KITTENS!!! (but i haven't seen them yet)
Monday, May 08, 2006
...And Work, And Work...
Hello! This weekend I went over to Waseca to spend some time with Jese. On friday night we went to the Waseca High Schools Varitey Show. It was pretty good but the solos weren't as good as last year because they all did wierd songs, like songs from sound of music and phantom of the opera, wierd. Anyways we went to it Saturday night too so we could see all 21 seinor solos. I am pretty sure it is the last one I will ever go to because we will no longer be good friends with people in High School!!! Also on Saturday Jese and I got up at 7:30 AM to go garage saling with my mother and Amy but we actually didn't start to go untill 9 AM because Amy just got up when we got to her house. I got 3 mixing bowls for $0.50, it was a good deal! And I also got the DVD Spanglish for $2 and it even works, we watched that on Sunday and then I went home. Today I had to go back to work :( I just mowed the grass all day though so it wasn't hard, although my boss (my dad!) yelled at me and told me I was going to fast! So then I slowed way down!! Tonight Jese came over and my dad made up spagetti with mushrooms (moraels (i don't know how to spell that!)) I put cheese on my noodles instead of the mushroom hamburger spagetti sauce, but there really is no suprise there because I always do that! Well I am going to go to bed now because I have to work again in the morning. It is raining out, I hope it stops by tomorrow so I can mow again!!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Thursday, May 04, 2006
"Who would Jesus bomb? -Bumper Sticker
I wrote this 6 hours ago when I was in Jese's car and I am just getting it on now!! Just a quick note, I passed precalc!!!! I got a D, but it's good enough!! And I would just like everyone to know that I just fell in my kitchen running to the bathroom because I was in a hurry because I am watching Survivor. Now my knee hurts a lot. :(
Hello! Right now I am in Jese’s car riding home. I am done with my classes and finals finally!!! I finished yesterday. We got to come home earlier than normal because Jese got to take one of his tests on Wednesday instead of today so that was nice!! My fish are probably all having a heart attack right now because they are sitting in the car being tossed all around. Right now Jese and I are going to go apply for a bear license because we forgot to do it in Winona. I have to work on Monday :( I am not excited because it isn’t even going to be sunny out so I won’t even get a tan. There is a chance of a t-storm and on Tuesday and Wednesday it might rain out, stupid weather. Right now ZZ Top is playing on the radio, really it isn’t the radio it is a CD I made yesterday, really I made four of them, they are very good! Well I really don’t know anything else besides I hurt my ankle and I don’t know how but it hurts a lot unless I have it pointed like a ballerina. Okay bye!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper!!!!!!
Hello! Right now I am in Jese’s car riding home. I am done with my classes and finals finally!!! I finished yesterday. We got to come home earlier than normal because Jese got to take one of his tests on Wednesday instead of today so that was nice!! My fish are probably all having a heart attack right now because they are sitting in the car being tossed all around. Right now Jese and I are going to go apply for a bear license because we forgot to do it in Winona. I have to work on Monday :( I am not excited because it isn’t even going to be sunny out so I won’t even get a tan. There is a chance of a t-storm and on Tuesday and Wednesday it might rain out, stupid weather. Right now ZZ Top is playing on the radio, really it isn’t the radio it is a CD I made yesterday, really I made four of them, they are very good! Well I really don’t know anything else besides I hurt my ankle and I don’t know how but it hurts a lot unless I have it pointed like a ballerina. Okay bye!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers." -James Thurber
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die.
Hello! Well yesterday and today were not the best of days. Yesterday I was up for 12 hours, 7 of those hours I studied and 5 (yes, five hours) were spent watching tv, 2 of those hours I was watching the princess bride on tv, I love that movie!! So you would think that because I studied so much this weekend, and last week I would do good on my test today! Oh but you thought wrong!! I am pretty sure I didn't do the best, but I can say I tried my hardest and I did every thing I could to do my best! I have never studied so much for a single test ever, it did help me a little bit but not much. I did do good in one of the three test I had today for sure so that is good. Now I only have one more test to study for thank god and then I will be done. One week from today (monday) and I will be working on my tan! Kat moved out today so now not only is there no fridge, there is no tv :( I am very sad, I guess I will have to get up and do something tomorrow! Really tomorrow I am going to pull up the carpet and throw it out and sweep up the floor, we are supposed to mop it but I don't think I am going to, they won't be able to tell anyways. I am also going to sell my books back tomorrow and buy amy's shirt for her birthday (shh she doesn't know what she is getting!!) oh yes, Happy birthday sister! okay well I am going to go to bed now!!
"As you wish" of course what he really meant was "I love you"
Christa Wadekamper
Hello! Well yesterday and today were not the best of days. Yesterday I was up for 12 hours, 7 of those hours I studied and 5 (yes, five hours) were spent watching tv, 2 of those hours I was watching the princess bride on tv, I love that movie!! So you would think that because I studied so much this weekend, and last week I would do good on my test today! Oh but you thought wrong!! I am pretty sure I didn't do the best, but I can say I tried my hardest and I did every thing I could to do my best! I have never studied so much for a single test ever, it did help me a little bit but not much. I did do good in one of the three test I had today for sure so that is good. Now I only have one more test to study for thank god and then I will be done. One week from today (monday) and I will be working on my tan! Kat moved out today so now not only is there no fridge, there is no tv :( I am very sad, I guess I will have to get up and do something tomorrow! Really tomorrow I am going to pull up the carpet and throw it out and sweep up the floor, we are supposed to mop it but I don't think I am going to, they won't be able to tell anyways. I am also going to sell my books back tomorrow and buy amy's shirt for her birthday (shh she doesn't know what she is getting!!) oh yes, Happy birthday sister! okay well I am going to go to bed now!!
"As you wish" of course what he really meant was "I love you"
Christa Wadekamper
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