Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Who would Jesus bomb? -Bumper Sticker

I wrote this 6 hours ago when I was in Jese's car and I am just getting it on now!! Just a quick note, I passed precalc!!!! I got a D, but it's good enough!! And I would just like everyone to know that I just fell in my kitchen running to the bathroom because I was in a hurry because I am watching Survivor. Now my knee hurts a lot. :(

Hello! Right now I am in Jese’s car riding home. I am done with my classes and finals finally!!! I finished yesterday. We got to come home earlier than normal because Jese got to take one of his tests on Wednesday instead of today so that was nice!! My fish are probably all having a heart attack right now because they are sitting in the car being tossed all around. Right now Jese and I are going to go apply for a bear license because we forgot to do it in Winona. I have to work on Monday :( I am not excited because it isn’t even going to be sunny out so I won’t even get a tan. There is a chance of a t-storm and on Tuesday and Wednesday it might rain out, stupid weather. Right now ZZ Top is playing on the radio, really it isn’t the radio it is a CD I made yesterday, really I made four of them, they are very good! Well I really don’t know anything else besides I hurt my ankle and I don’t know how but it hurts a lot unless I have it pointed like a ballerina. Okay bye!!

Christa Ann Wadekamper!!!!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

yeah!!!!! you passed precalc!!! GOOD JOB!!!! i guess you get your excellent making up answer skills from me:)