Hello!! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile! I have been banned from mowing lawn :( It needs to rain out before I can again. Honey has been behaving really good! She hardly ever wakes me up at night! Last night she decided to hog the pillow so my head kept falling off. So far this week I have been helping my dad on a shed he is working on after work so I am super tired. Jese also helped yesterday. Next week Jese is bringing me to the P!NK concert, it is on wednesday, I am super excited. Well I really don't know anything else! I am going to eat some doritos now so bye!!Christa
This is my kitten, her name is Honey!!This weekend up north was lots of fun! The weather was nice, not to hot and not to cold! I only fished on a boat once because the fish weren't biting very good, but I did fish off the dock friday and saturday and I caught perch and rock bass. Sam got a 21" bass that he is mounting! Jese fished all the time trying to get his mounter but he didn't get it :( We played horseshoes and foosball alot and it was fun!!Christa
Hello! Well today I got hailed on because I did not drive my mower fast enough :( My legs got soaked and the pants are still wet! So far this week I have mowed, trimmed a willow tree and shrubs, and clean vehicals. Tomorrow I have a lot of mowing to do so hopefully it won't rain out again so I can get as much as possible done. Last night my mother and I watched Mrs. Henderson Presents, it was pretty good! On Monday my Grandma W. and I went to Wal Mart so I could help her print off pictures from her camera, we also went to A & W for root beer, it was yummy! Tomorrow I am going up north with Jese and Father!!! I am very excited, I have packed already! Right now I am watching A Time to Kill and laying on my couch! Well that is pretty much all I know so I will check back later!!

Hello!! Not much has happened in the last week. At work I had to do actual work because my grass has been drying out and not growing :( Thank God it finally rained out here! I had to clean off bleachers, cut down trees (really father cut them down and I cleaned up the branches, etc.) and I had to clean out a thing that some drains go into in the power plant, which was disgusting! Hopefully this week I can work on my butt muscles my mowing the whole week!! On Thursday my mother and I went to go see the Omen in Mankato, it was slow but good. We hardly got there on time so we ate our supper (Subway) during the movie!! I snuck it in inside my purse!! I also got my fathers birthday/father's day present!! On Friday Jese and I went to The Break Up, in Owatonna with Conor and Kathryn because Conor had three tickets so I didn't have to pay!! It was very funny but I didn't like to ending. On Saturday Dad, Jese, Teri, Jack, Vicki, Tim, and I all went up to the cities for Sarah's (mark & mary's sarah) graduation party. We walked over to the rose gardens right next to mary's house and that is where my pictures are from! Today we went to Ben's graduation party, the food was REALLY good, I had three pork sandwiches!!! Well that is about all I know and it is getting pretty close to my bed time so night!!Christa
Hello! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile, I have been very busy! I have been working every day and after that I normally have something to do so I don't have time to update this very often, however starting tomorrow I will begin working at 6:30 and get done at 3:00, so I should have time to update this more often. Last weekend we all went up north again! We pounded on the crappies and it was lots of fun! On Thursday this week my mother made me a homemade pizza and I put a computer desk together for her. On friday Jese came over, oh yes on tuesday he also came over and we went to X-Men 3, which was good! But anyways on Friday he came over and we went out to eat with his mother for her birthday we ate at some mexican place in owatonna, it was yummy! That night we played softball also! I think I am going to become a professional! We also played on Saturday with my father. After that, Dad, Jese, and Nick went to the deaf school to go lift, I drove them so I could wash my car, it is very clean now!! Sarah's graduation party was also on Saturday so we went to that. After that Jese and I went to Waseca to go to one of his friends graduation party, and we watched Transamerica with my mother, it was very good! Today I went to Amy's and watched her, adam, dad, and nick work in her garden, I decided I would help by being the supervisor! Now I just got done putting away my laundry that I washed on wednesday, they were kind of wrinkly!! Okay well that is all I know for now!!Christa Wadekamper