Hello! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile, I have been very busy! I have been working every day and after that I normally have something to do so I don't have time to update this very often, however starting tomorrow I will begin working at 6:30 and get done at 3:00, so I should have time to update this more often. Last weekend we all went up north again! We pounded on the crappies and it was lots of fun! On Thursday this week my mother made me a homemade pizza and I put a computer desk together for her. On friday Jese came over, oh yes on tuesday he also came over and we went to X-Men 3, which was good! But anyways on Friday he came over and we went out to eat with his mother for her birthday we ate at some mexican place in owatonna, it was yummy! That night we played softball also! I think I am going to become a professional! We also played on Saturday with my father. After that, Dad, Jese, and Nick went to the deaf school to go lift, I drove them so I could wash my car, it is very clean now!! Sarah's graduation party was also on Saturday so we went to that. After that Jese and I went to Waseca to go to one of his friends graduation party, and we watched Transamerica with my mother, it was very good! Today I went to Amy's and watched her, adam, dad, and nick work in her garden, I decided I would help by being the supervisor! Now I just got done putting away my laundry that I washed on wednesday, they were kind of wrinkly!! Okay well that is all I know for now!!
Christa Wadekamper
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