Happy Halloween! Well today I got a birthday present from sister amy, it was a racheal ray cookbook! I am pretty pumped to make a meal from it! Tonight when I got home from class I made meatballs and gravy and noodles and mashed potatoes! The mashed potatoes were supper good! I got my accounting test back, a B is 86% and I got 84.5%, I only needed one more point for a B :( I also got my applied calc test back, I didn't do so good on that one but that is okay because I still have 75% in the class! I have to go to walmart this week and buy boots for deer hunting because last year I used a pair of fathers and they were huge on me so my feet froze, I didn't like that very much! Jese and I are leaving around 11:30 on Friday to go up north deer hunting, I am excited!!! Well that is all for now!!Christa Ann Wadekamper
Hello! Well this weekend I didn't have to sit at home all by myself but I did actually have to get up off of the couch! Well on Saturday we sat around and watched that 70s show and Dawson's Creek. Then we switched my hermit crab cage and Jese's fish tank around so now his fish have more room and my desk isn't as crowded because the hermit crab is in a smaller cage! Then we went to Petsmart and got Jese a couple more fish for his bigger fish tank! We also got Pizza and Oreo a new toy!!! Then saturday night we walked to Dariy Queen and got some blizzards and dilly bars, it was very cold walking back! I also applied at Target but they said that they were only hiring when I am at classes, after deer hunting I am going to apply at Walmart because I only have a few more months of rent left! Today I made french toast for breakfest and then Jese did some homework, but I did mine on friday so I didn't have any to do! We went to Saw III this afternoon, it was pretty good, but the second one was better. We also went grocery shopping but we didn't get very much because I was paying! Right now I am watching 7th Heaven and Jese is playing a game on xbox! Oh yeah, last night I made some bear steak and it was good! Well I don't really don't know anything else! Bye!!Christa Ann Wadekamper
Here is a picture of Jese's hair!!
Hello! Well today I had a test in accounting. I know I messed up one question but other than that one I think I did pretty good! My nose has been so runny, I think I am getting a cold :( I took some tyonal cold yesterday and today and that helped but now I am out because that is all I had! This morning I was sleeping so good, I did not want to get up at all but I had to. In case everyone wanted to know, the fedreal reserve had a meeting on wednesday and they have decided to keep its target for the federal funds rate at 5 1/4 percent, this means that they are keeping the amount of money in the economy the same! I learned that in macroecon the other day! I really don't know anything but I thought I would update this because nobody else is so all of the die-hard readers needed something to read!! Today I am wearing a hat and I have learned why I don't like them, they cut off lots of your viewing area. Oh well! Well that is all for now, maybe later I will try to put a picture of Jese's hair on again!!!Christa
Hello! I have been trying to put a picture on but it won't work. Jese got his hair cut the other day finally so now it doesn't stick out from the front of his hat! It is a bit short but it still looks good. That is what I was going to put a picture up of but oh well!! Nothing has really happened the last few days. My nose is really stuffy and I don't like it. Today I didn't want to get up untill 10 but I got up at 9:20 because my kittens missed me!! This weekend Jese and I are going to go see Man Of the Year with Robin Williams, I think it looks pretty good!! Well that is about all I know!!
Hello!! Well this weekend Jese went to Faribault again to work with my father. I stayed here because I had nothing to do at home!! Mom and Amy came on Saturday because it was my birthday. We went out to eat at Jefferson's and then we went dress shopping! After that we went to target and wal mart and I used some of my birthday money to buy monopoly. We went back to the apt. and played it, I lost :( jerks don't they know they were supposed to let me win on my birthday!! I made them $0.99 pizza for supper, it was REALLY good!! I really didn't do anything else this weekend. Jese got home last night around 10:00, he was tired. Oh yes yesterday I bought $9 curtins for in the living room so my snoppy neighbors can't look in but they were super ugly and huge so I am returning them!! Well that is all!!Christa
Hello everyone!! Well yesterday I had a midterm in my business statistics class and I got a B! The average score was 64/80 and I had 66/80, I was above average!! Last night I made muffins I just had to add milk and they were yummy!! Today I am going to clean the apartment so it is clean when mother and amy come on saturday. I am also going to do some math homework! Pizza and Oreo are getting along very well now! They love each other very much!! Well I don't really know much else right now so bye!! Oh and yes my birthday cake does say Happy Birthday Hooker!!Christa Ann Wadekamper
Hello! Well this weekend I was super busy. On Friday I went to waseca and my mother made amy and i lunch and then we went wedding dress shopping. After that we went back to waseca and had cupcakes and shrimp alfrado. On saturday jese, amy, dad and i all went pumpkin picking! Jese and I carved some as you could see from the pictures from the other day, by the way I won, I did the one with the ghost! Also that night father made steak and shrimp, it was super good! My dad gave me a knife set for my birthday and they are really sweet!! On sunday I went to grandma b.'s to celebrate all of the october birthdays, then I drove home around 5:30. Jese went down to Iowa for a family reunion so he didn't get home until 8:00. Yesterday I had a midterm in my macroecon class and I got a B!! I was happy with that! Last night when Jese got done with work we went grocery shopping, it was a bit more expensive then normal because we haven't gone in at least 3 weeks so we didn't have anything left!! Well that is all I know for know!!Christa W.
Okay so Pizza pretty much hates Oreo and me now. She won't leave Oreo alone and she scratched me all up with her back claws. Hopefully they get along this weekend when we are gone or we will have a dead kitty on our hands.

Hello! Well today on my way home from the cities I stopped at a farm in northfield and got a kitty!! Her name is Oreo! Pizza doesn't like her very much yet but she will!Christa

Pizza is getting so big, I wish she were a little kitty again!Hello! Well this weekend was not very exciting. Jese went to Faribo to work with my father again while I stayed here. I made some no-roll sugar cookies, they turned out really good. However, on the first batch I put in the oven I accidentaly had the broiler on instead of the oven so they took a really long time to get done but they still taste good. Today I am making chicken noodle soup, it is almost done! I am excited to eat it! This weekend there was nothing on tv so it was supper boring sitting here by myself. On tuesday I have to drive to owatonna and meet my mother there and then go up the st. paul to go to a thyroid specialist because mine is hyper-active so I have to get that fixed. I decided that really I should just live with it because it helps me keep the weight off! j/k, I will get it fixed. Although I may have to start eating better, that sucks. I hope I don't have to though because that would be hard to change how I eat after eating like I do for 20 years! On Friday we have no school so we are going home. I am going to go to the photographers for my wedding with mother and then go look at wedding dresses maybe! Then I am going to have a birthday supper with her! On saturday if I can find someone to go with me I have to go to MSAD's basketball game for a paper in my ASL class but if I can't find anyone I will just write it on something else. Then that night I am having a birthday supper with my father, we are having steak and shrimp, yum I am supper excited to eat that! On Sunday I am going to my Grandparents house to have the traditional birthday lunch/supper with them. We aren't doing it on mine and Grandpa's birthday this year because I am not coming home for my birthday. Well that is my plan of action for now! ByeChrista W.
Hello. I am sad today. Jese was going to get me a kitten for my birthday because Pizza gets lonely when we are gone and I wanted another one. So last night we went to the Winona Humane Society and they told us that we couldn't get one because we weren't 21. I think that is pretty gay but I guess since I am not 21 I must not be stable enough to take care of a cat. So then we drove all the way to onalaska to the humane society there and didn't find any kittens I liked so we went to look at the ones the humane society had at Petsmart and found one. Today however, I found out I couldn't get it because the called the vet and found out that Pizza didn't have her rabies shot. So now I can't get a kitten because there are no other places around here besides Rochester and they have weird hours and so we will never be able to make it there. So I guess I will have to think of something else for my birthday and Pizza will have to stay lonely.Christa
Hello! Yesterday I found out my grade that I got on my applied calculus test. I got a C!! I was very happy, last year I never got a C. It wasn't even hardly a C, it was a 75%, maybe 76% because she might give me one more point! Now I have 79% in the class, which is almost a B!!!! Last night I made home made pizza. It was very good but I spilled pizza sauce on my newly washed pants and shirt, opps! My back hurts right now so I am watching Ellen. It was very hot out yesterday and I didn't like it, I wish it was cold again. Well I really don't know anything so bye!Christa