Hello! Well this weekend I didn't have to sit at home all by myself but I did actually have to get up off of the couch! Well on Saturday we sat around and watched that 70s show and Dawson's Creek. Then we switched my hermit crab cage and Jese's fish tank around so now his fish have more room and my desk isn't as crowded because the hermit crab is in a smaller cage! Then we went to Petsmart and got Jese a couple more fish for his bigger fish tank! We also got Pizza and Oreo a new toy!!! Then saturday night we walked to Dariy Queen and got some blizzards and dilly bars, it was very cold walking back! I also applied at Target but they said that they were only hiring when I am at classes, after deer hunting I am going to apply at Walmart because I only have a few more months of rent left! Today I made french toast for breakfest and then Jese did some homework, but I did mine on friday so I didn't have any to do! We went to Saw III this afternoon, it was pretty good, but the second one was better. We also went grocery shopping but we didn't get very much because I was paying! Right now I am watching 7th Heaven and Jese is playing a game on xbox! Oh yeah, last night I made some bear steak and it was good! Well I don't really don't know anything else! Bye!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
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