Hello! Pizza likes to sleep under the tree, yesterday she was there all day long! Today is not a good day, I looked at my classes and found out that they are all filling up. One of the classes only has 10 seats and only 3 are left :( I need to get into my classes because I have no other ones to take. Last year I had to redue my whole schedule because of this problem but this year I can't because most of the classes are only offered once so I can't really change my schedule around! Maybe I will just take bowling and work full-time! Just kidding I won't do that, that would be way to much work! Hopefully I will get in my classes, I don't registar until December 4th though. Oh and in case you didn't know I now have to stay in school for an extra year because to take the CPA exam you have to have 150 credits, which is 27 more than I will have, jerks! Well I best be listening in class now!