"If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars." J. Paul Getty
Hello! Pizza likes to go in my boots!! This weekend I did alot of things! Jese and I drove to Faribault on Saturday morning to go to a wedding. That was a lot of fun, but we didn't dance because nobody was! On sunday we went to my grandma b.'s to get christmas decorations, we got lots of good ones! Then we drove back to winona and I finished my math homework. Then while we were watching desperate housewives we put together our tree, but we didn't decorate it. I know it still isn't even thanksgiving but I didn't want the tree box sitting in our living room all week! On monday I had to go to classes :( but it is okay because that was my only day of classes! I also rearranged the apartment on monday so I could put the tree in a good spot! I ended up rearranging the bedroom and putting the desk in there, it looks bigger in there now even though there is more stuff in there! Monday night we put up the decorations on the tree so now it looks wonderful! Yesterday I had to meet with my advisor so I could get my registration code number so I can register for classes in dec. Last night I put up the rest of the christmas decorations now our apartment looks really nice! Pizza keeps wanting to go on the table so I keep saying no to her and then she stares at me, she is doing it right now, I hate when she stares at me! Anyways, last night when Jese was at work he talked to our neighbor. I was watching gilmore girls and then I heard a knock on our door and it was our neighbor. I didn't want to answer the door because I was wacthing gilmore girls but I thought it might be the owners because everyone is supposed go down and sign some paper about parking and Jese did but I haven't yet. So I answered the door and it was our neighbor. I didn't let him in though because I was by myself and he knew I was by myself so either he is a scary rapist who knew I was by myself and was trying to get in or he was just being nice. Anyways he wouldn't quit talking to me so I missed why Logan came back to America on gilmore girls, jerk! Oreo didn't like him she hissed and ran into the bedroom, it was funny! Well today I went to erberts & gerberts to apply there because there was an ad in the paper but after I applied I realized it was a different erberts & gerberts in some other town but I don't know which one because it didn't say. Well that is about all I know so bye!!Christa W.
to bad you kittens aren't nice and clean like mine:)
i am thinking about giving them a bath!
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