Hello! Well christmas is almost completly over! On saturday Jese and I drove to new richland to celebrate christmas with his grandma. after that we stoped at mothers place so she could hem up my pants for me! After that we went to faribo and went to menards with father in northfield so we could pick out some stuff for the bathroom! After that Spit, Dad, and I went to Boonies and we stayed there untill about 11:30! I didn't even go to bed until like 12:30 am!!!! On sunday we went up the grandma and grandpa wadekampers for christmas and we stayed there until like 8:30! On christmas day we got up early (8:30) and woke up father so he could make us belgin waffles, they were yum-o! After that we played apples to apples for awhile then Jese and I went to Waseca to go to his other families christmas and after that we went back to faribault for the beckers christmas. I made a delish peppermint cake for it! it was very festive looking! we left there around 9:00 and then we went back to dads to get some deer sticks, etc., then we went to town for gas and then we went back to winona! we got back to winona at about 11:00! It was a very busy weekend for us but it was still fun!!! Today Jese works and 3:00, I thought he worked at 12:00 but I was wrong! Well that is about all I know for now!
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