Wednesday, May 30, 2007
An update for all you bloggers!!!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I'm a workin woman!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Finally the search is over!!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
It's time for Watermelon!!!!
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say,
"Did you ever see a bear
Combing his hair?"
Down by the bay.
Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say,
"Did you ever see a bee
With a sunburned knee?"
Down by the bay.
Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say,
"Did you ever see a moose
Kissing a goose?"
Down by the bay.
Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go
For if I do
My mother will say,
"Did you ever see a whale
With a polka dot tail?"
Down by the bay.
Hehe!! I thought you would all like that song! On Wed. night I filled my bird feeder up and then last night it was completly empty already so I had to fill it back up again! Now it is half empty so I am sitting outside next to it so the birdys can't eat it all today! Last night new neighbors were moving in a big desk that the girl couldn't lift so I asked them if they wanted Jese to help them so I sent him out to help! Today I haven't really done much, I didn't wake myself up by snoring today!! Around 1:00 I went over to the park and played some sudoko and watched some fisherman, they caught a nice size bass, I think it was perfect eating size but since it isn't bass season yet they had to throw it back! Right now there are two guys outside trying to start a charcole grill and one of my neighbors is also sitting outside but he has a chair to sit on and he is smoking yuck-o man, the smoke is all coming down to me to breath in. I am pretty sure I am going to get lung cancer! Oh the grill is started the flame is shooting out of it and up like 3 feet! I don't think it is ready to be cooked on! Yum my watermelon was so good I still have the taste in my mouth! Tonight Jese wants me to make pizza for supper so I am, don't worry it will be pepperoni pizza, not kitty pizza!! There are a lot of white trash people living here, I hope I don't look like I fit in because that would mean I look like white trash too! I am pretty sure everyone here shops at wal mart which is a pre-req. for being white trash! Oh yes member how I said the other day that I thought the n.n (new neighbors) were musicans, well now I am pretty sure they are because today I heard people talking about speakers, now that I think about it though they could have been talking about people speaking, hmmm... I will have to investigate some more!! The n.n have 2 bricks on each side of their door and on top of them they put their shoes, weird dude! Jese knows their names, I think the girls was Sarah but I don't really remeber! My butt hurts I really have to get a chair to sit on when I sit outside instead of the cement balcony! It is so nice out today! It is 82 degrees but I don't think it really feels to bad, I am still wearing pants so it can't be to bad!! It did get up to 85 today, I think that was when I was sitting in the park because then I got hot and came back in, I even had my pants pulled up to my knees! The park is much more quiet now that all of the college kids are gone, it is kind of nice because I don't like to hear a bunch of people roller blading by when I am out there, because it gets annoying because the jerks are flaunting that they can rollerblade and I can't!! Don't worry the smoker went back into his apartment so now I can breath again! Yum...the smell of the charcole grill remindes me of up north when we used to up before we owned one! That was fun...then we had lots of meals grilled!! I wish I coiuld go back up north right now, stupid gas prices will make it so I don't go up much this summer probably. At least Jese has every other weekend of this summer so when he doesn't have a roof to do and if I don't work that weekend either we can go camping at whitewater state park! I want to go there very bad this summer it is one of my favorite places and there are no mosquitos which makes it even better! Wy-noona has tons of red-winged black birds, I don't like them very much because they eat all of the bird food before any other birdies can eat it! Jese gets done with work in 30 minutes then he is going to go to the bank and get some cash so we can go see a movie tonight! We couldn't agree on a movie so since we hardly ever see any we are going to see Georgia Rule tonight and Spiderman 3 tomorrow during the day so it is cheaper! Plus we don't have to pay for pops because I can fit them in my purse and we won't be hungry for snacks because we will have pizza right before we go! I need to wash my car, it is very dirty because the birds have target practice on it, they are getting very good! They need to mow the grass at my apt. becasue the dadilions are very tall and it looks really bad, I don't like it. They should also trim the tree outside on my winodw because some of the branches look like they are going to fall right off onto the cars parked underneth it, I am glad I don't have to park under it, but if I could the birds probably wouldn't poop on my car! Yesterday there were some little kids playing in the salt pile left over from this winter, I am glad I got to play in sand piles instead of salt piles when I was a kid because what if you get a bunch of salt on your hands and then you pick up a sandwich, then you just got salt all over it and it isn't going to taste very good and your artiers are going to get clogged, whereas if you just get sand on it the sandwich will just be extra crunchy, kind of like cruncy peanut butter, which by the way I don't like but then again I don't really like peanut butter unless it is in cookies! Well my bum is getting really sore from sitting here and I am sure you have other things to do then read my boring blog so bye!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
I'm a snoring machine!!!
Have a nice day and remeber what your mother told you, If you have nothing nice to say nothing!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Back from up north!!!
Talk to ya later gater!
Christa (the crappie queen)