Hello! Well I am back from up north! Dad, Jese, and me went up north thursday night and we got up there around 11:30 only to discover a tree fell on the power line and fish cleaning shack so there was no power to the cabins and also the water still wasn't turned on so we stayed in Mark and Sally's that night on cots! Amy, Adam, and Liam got up later that night I don't remeber what time though because I was in bed I think it was like 2:00 or something like that! On friday Amy and I just wondered around with baby Liam and didn't really do much! On saturday we played games with Sally all day, it was great!! I am the sequence queen, I killed them both! HAHA!! On Sunday we went to town to call our mamas for mother's day and then we went back and played games with jese and adam all day because it was mother's day and since amy is a mother now she got to decide what we did!! On monday amy, adam and liam went home but not untill 4:00 so we got to play lots of games!! That night we kept 47 crappies caught off the dock and we caught more than that but not all of them made into the bucket!! Papa and I flayed them all! On tuseday we got up and left right away in the morning and made it back to faribault in 4 1/2 hours because speed demons were driving! Then Jese and I both had to drive our cars back to Wy-noona! My kitties missed me very much!! I just got done eating lunch with Jese we had crappies they were yummy, I also made some corn to go with them! Tonight we are going to have chicken fajitas! I wish someone would buy some chickens so they can be butchered so I wouldn't have to buy anymore chicken, jerk!
Jese was in the cold water for 2 hours while putting the dock in on Friday, him and Lee were having problems getting the end of the dock out!
Victory!!! They got the end of the dock out!!Talk to ya later gater!
Christa (the crappie queen)
Dear Crappie Queen: Here's your comment! Jesse is brave, Jer would've been afraid of death-by-shrinkage taking place!
you spelled jese's name wrong it is jese not jesse just thought you like to know!
thanks for the spelling correction, I'll keep that in mind when I'm reading your blog...
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