Fall time!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone!!! Well it's my favorite time of the year, fall!!!!! Well it is actually fall around Sept. 22, but it feels like it already!! The weather is perfect, not to hot and not to cold, just the way I like it!! Since fall is my favorite time ever I thought I would go to the dollar tree and find some fall decerations, but they already sold those because alls they had was halloween things, so I had to get those instead!!!! So I decorated my place for halloween a whole month and half before it, hehe!!! It isn't my fault they didn't have fall stuff! I spent $26 there!!! But that is okay because it would have been like $150 at walmart for the same things. My table looks so sweet, I would take a picture of it but Jese HAD to take my camera with him up north, he better get a bear now since I couldn't take a picture of my table!! I also made sugar cookies, but I don't have fall cookie cutters so I had to make halloween ones, hehe!!! They are pretty sweet, but it is a good thing I made them already because I have to practice my frosting before halloween, so the real halloween cookies look really good!! I would take a picture of my cookies but Jese HAD to take my camera, jerk!! I even got candy corn!!! But that is a fall candy, not halloween so it is okay! Pizza tried to eat one but I caught her and I took it away from her!! I want to get indian corn to hang up, it looks very nice, I wonder when people will start selling it...I beat Bronk's will have some! Today I threw away my tomato plant because it was getting no more tomatoes, I also threw away my dead cactuses, they have been outside since we moved because I had no place for them and they died, oh well!! I wish the only seasons were spring and fall, winter is too cold and summer is too hot, I don't like them very much!! In the fall I get lots more energy because the air is nice and crispy and wakes me up!! Oh yes, today I also did some homework, not much though, I will do more tomorrow and monday, I don't have that much to do! Well Jese is up north bear hunting, jerk, I hope he gets a bear, we really need some meat. We really need some bear meat because he spent $40 on the license and if he doesn't get one we will have nothing for the $40 and I would NOT be a happy kamper!! I was going to make chicken noodle soup today but I was to busy doing other things, I wish I did though because it would have been really good!! Maybe I will make it tomorrow. Yesterday I made myself meat balls and gravey and mashed potatoes, and noodles, it was really yummy!! Maybe I will have the left overs for supper. Well I guess I don't know anything else, I will go try a cookie and put the rest away!! I will take a mental picture of them and my table for you!!
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