Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Nothing new...

Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
New bedspread!!!!!! (updated!!)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Poor Poor Brownie
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Mid-college crisis over!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sorry Cassie no running picture, just this!!
Hello again!! Well this weekend of work was not to bad!! Friday I worked until 8:00, then when I got home I made myself Salmon patties and noodles, Jese worked till 11 so I put in Peter Pan to watch and fell asleep before it started! On Saturday I got to work at 9:00 and was supposed to work till 5, but got sent home at 2 because it was so dead!! So then I rearranged and got a stand for one of the fish tanks so it was off of the desk so now we can actually use the desk!! When I was at wal mart getting the stand I saw a guy sitting in the middle of the furniture aisle cross stitching, right in the middle of walmart!!! there were workers stocking shelfs around him not saying anything!! I thought it was quite humerous!! Today I got to work at 11:00 and got sent home at 1:00 because by then there had been a total of 10 people that came in!!! So it wasn't a busy weekend, good thing Jese had the drywall job this month because my check will be super small! Today I hung up a curtian in the kitchen, I had to get the stupid blinds because unlike the walmart in waseca, there were no cheap good curtians :-( I did have some nice ones but I had to return them because they were about 5" to small!!! Papa finally came to see me today :-) I made him pizza bugers, they were yummy!! He liked my apartment and said that my place was WAY better than Cassie and Amy's houses!!!! It is 1 week until my birthday today, yeepee!! Jese said that he would get me my steve madden hooker boots that I want!!!! I need new ones because my old black ones are about 4 years old and very wore out from all that walkin!! After I watched depserate housewives I did homework so I don't have as much to do tomorrow before work because I want to make some halloween sugar cookies, yummy!! After work I have a group meeting I have to go to :-( I don't want to go to it but it is for one of my classes so I guess I better, at least this year I didn't get stuck as the group leader like normal! Well I am going to go now I want to play a little bit of the sims before Jese gets home!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Fine Fine I will update!!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
A Busy Busy Fall!!
Christa W.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Baking for the Day
Today I made biscuts and silver white cake with strawberry filling!! The biscuts were really good!!! The cake was good too but I didn't have enough eggs to make the frosting so I had to use the pre-made frosting that I had left over from the last cake I made, and there wasn't enough. The cake would have been better with buttercream frosting, I will make it next time! Okay well my fajitas are probably done now so bye!!