Hello again!! Well this weekend of work was not to bad!! Friday I worked until 8:00, then when I got home I made myself Salmon patties and noodles, Jese worked till 11 so I put in Peter Pan to watch and fell asleep before it started! On Saturday I got to work at 9:00 and was supposed to work till 5, but got sent home at 2 because it was so dead!! So then I rearranged and got a stand for one of the fish tanks so it was off of the desk so now we can actually use the desk!! When I was at wal mart getting the stand I saw a guy sitting in the middle of the furniture aisle cross stitching, right in the middle of walmart!!! there were workers stocking shelfs around him not saying anything!! I thought it was quite humerous!! Today I got to work at 11:00 and got sent home at 1:00 because by then there had been a total of 10 people that came in!!! So it wasn't a busy weekend, good thing Jese had the drywall job this month because my check will be super small! Today I hung up a curtian in the kitchen, I had to get the stupid blinds because unlike the walmart in waseca, there were no cheap good curtians :-( I did have some nice ones but I had to return them because they were about 5" to small!!! Papa finally came to see me today :-) I made him pizza bugers, they were yummy!! He liked my apartment and said that my place was WAY better than Cassie and Amy's houses!!!! It is 1 week until my birthday today, yeepee!! Jese said that he would get me my steve madden hooker boots that I want!!!! I need new ones because my old black ones are about 4 years old and very wore out from all that walkin!! After I watched depserate housewives I did homework so I don't have as much to do tomorrow before work because I want to make some halloween sugar cookies, yummy!! After work I have a group meeting I have to go to :-( I don't want to go to it but it is for one of my classes so I guess I better, at least this year I didn't get stuck as the group leader like normal! Well I am going to go now I want to play a little bit of the sims before Jese gets home!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
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