I am so sad, my car isn't ready for me to get yet :( Hopefully it will be done next week. I didn't fail my accounting test yesterday, I got 63/100!! So I managed to pull of a D! One person got 38!!! Today I had two tests, I think I got either a B or C on both of them so that is good! Now I don't have classes for a week!!! I wish I didn't have to work so I could go some place warm like normal college students!! Well I don't really know anything so I am going to go unload the dishwasher and reload it! Bye!
Just an update, I got a B on my Business Law test!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
1 1/2 tests down, 1 1/2 to go!

Hello! Well I finished my accounting test! I think for sure I got at least 51/100!! Hopefully I got at least 66/100, then a C will still be reachable!! Seriously though, I really think I will be lucky if I get a D on it, hopefully I do better on the next test for that class! Today I am going to clean out my car so it is ready for Amy on Saturday! I am so excited to finally get rid of it and get a new car!!! It better be done on Saturday, they were waiting for an air bag to come in. Jese is going to go pick it up on Saturday and bring it to me!!!! I wish I didn't have to work today, I just want to lay on the couch and watch tv ALLLL day, that would be sweet! Well I guess I can wait untill Tuesday and Wednesday to do that since I don't have to work or go to school the whole day on both days!! That will be sweet!! I hope it is warm out on those days, then I could maybe do something outside, like grill a hot dog!! That would be yummy!! I think I am going to have scrambled eggs for lunch today, I have been having a craving for them lately, I've just been to lazy to make them! Last night I woke up all night long thinking about my test, then I thought that my clock somehow got set back an hour so I had to sit up and check Jese's clock to make sure it was right, it was don't worry!! Oh yes speaking of clocks, on March 9th you have spring ahead your clocks because it is spring time!!!! Yeepee!! Oh yes, also my watch still hasn't gotten a new battery, I have gone about 2 weeks without a watch on, it has to be a record, I am going nuts without it!! Well I guess I don't know anything else so bye!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
1/2 test down, 2 1/2 to go

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
A Blog for my Papa!
Papa wanted some fish pictures put up so here they are!! I didn't have any sunny ones :( But these are what I could find and put on my computer in 10 minutes this morning before I left for school!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hello All!!

Hello everyone!! So is anyone else freezing!! I wish it would warm up. The Winona School District is so lame, they had school start 2 hours late today, they are going to have to start making up days pretty soon I would think seeing as they cancel school, get out early, or start late like once every week, at least!! Today is my only day off from work this week and I have a stupid afternoon class so pretty much it isn't a day off! I have to make cookies today because I promised Jese that I would make them, plus I want them!! I am going to make rochester cookies, yummy!! So one of the girls from work is sick and she went to the docter and he said that she MIGHT have pnemonia so now she is telling everyone that she does have it, and they didn't even take x-rays of her chest. I doubt she has it because yesterday she came into work and she was just fine. She just had a chest cold is my guess, baby!! Jese did the laundry last night, that was very nice of him!! Now I don't have to try to get it done today! I'm thirsty :( I just got some homework back, I got 20/20, I am so smart!! Today in between my classes I have to try to get all of my homework done and clean the apartment, it is a mess! I also want to make some banana bread for Jese because I told him that if he left the banana's so they were old I would make it for him! I should stop telling him I will make things for him because it is really cutting into my days off!! This weekend I am going home for the trenda thing that is going on, I don't really know what it is but I do know it is sometime on Sunday. If my car is done I will come back on Saturday so I can get it, otherwise I won't be coming until Sunday. I kind of wish I didn't have to go back at all because I have too many things to do on just 2 days off, but oh well. I have four tests next week :( I am not happy about it. So on Saturday I am going to study as much as I can for them so I don't have to do it at 8:00 at night every night after work. Next week I have to work on Tuesday again :( But then the following week is spring break so I won't have school and I have tuesday off, yeepee!! Brrr....I am soooo cold!! We just got done going over our homework in class, I had it all right, well pretty much all right, I just fixed 2 things! Gosh I wish I didn't have class tonight :( It is from 3-6 it is super boring. America's Next Top Model starts tonight!!! I wish it was warm enough to wear shorts and tank tops!! That would be nice! My nose is cold, hehe!!! We were supposed to have a work meeting on Sunday but since they forgot to hang up the sign untill yesterday and because everyone is sick, it got changed to March 2nd!! Good thing since I won't be in town on Sunday! I hope my car is done, I want to get it NOW!! Plus Amy wants my car right now! Okay well we are going over some new stuff now so I better pay attention!!
Later Gators!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
When will it be spring!!!!!
Hello everyone!! I hope you are all having a wonderful monday!! I got a 30/35 on my business law test last week!! That is a B!!! This weekend alls I did is work work work!! On Saturday we were down one stylist because she was sick and yesterday we were down 2 because they were sick, so that meant we only had 3 stylists yesterday!! We normally have 5 on Sundays!! But it turned out to be okay because it wasn't too busy! Now I just have to work today and tomorrow then I finally have a day off!! Then I work 2 days and then I have 2 days off!! Yeepee!! I have to pee and now it is to late to go because class is about to start :( Stupid bladder!! Well I guess I well listen now that class is starting!! Tata!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!!
Hello everyone!! Yesterday I went and got Jese a Valentine's Day present becasue he told me he got me one! So I got him Rock Band, now we can rock out like the rockers we really are!! We played it for a bit last night while he was working! Then I watched Sydney White while he played some more! This morning when I got up Jese went outside to move the cars since it snowed out again, stupid snow! Then he gave me a pearl necklace because I wanted one!! It is very pretty! I am wearing it right now!! Tonight we are going to go eat at the Macaroni Grill in Rochester, yummy!!! I have just been doing homework for the last hour and I am sick of it! It is weird having today off, normally I work on thursdays but I switched with the other girl so I could have today off and I am working for her next tuesday. I am trying to upload a picture right now but the stupid thing is taking FOREVER!!! My internet hasn't been working right all morning, stupid thing. In case you were worried, yes I am still sick :( and I'm not happy about it. I am pretty sure it is because I went to Amy's house, anytime anyone goes there they get sick. I am pretty sure I am never going there again and if she wants to play games she will have to come to Wy-noooooona!! Well this stupid picture thing still won't work so I guess I don't know anything else, well besides I have to pee!!! Later gators!!
Christa Wadekamper-Rugroden
Oh yeah, today in Accounting I answered a question and got it right!!! The answer was contra-stockholders equity, I am sure all of you know what I talking about!!! Someone else answered current assests and they were wrong, HAHAHA!!!
Christa Wadekamper-Rugroden
Oh yeah, today in Accounting I answered a question and got it right!!! The answer was contra-stockholders equity, I am sure all of you know what I talking about!!! Someone else answered current assests and they were wrong, HAHAHA!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My throat hurts :(
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I am such a disappointment!!
So yesterday I had all intentions to go and vote!! But Jese and I went to LaCrosse to pick up my ring from the jewlers, then we had to go pick up his car from the tires plus and go to Walmart to get Liam's birthday presant. Then I had to study for my two tests I had today AND I had to be at work by 8:00 for a stupid meeting!! We were just way to busy to sit in line for an hour, it was super packed at the polls here, when I drove by there weren't even spots to park!!! Well on to Jese's car, there were like 4 things that were wrong with it so we had to bring it back today to get it fixed so I had to drop Jese off at work today and I have to drive him back to Tires Plus to pick the car back up. The only reason we went there is because we know a guy who works there (his fiancee works with me) and so he just did most of it on his own. If he didn't I wouldn't have gone to Tires Plus because I am still in a fight with them from like 4 years ago when they made me sit there for 2 1/2 hours just to change a tire and re-allign the car, and charge me up the wazzo!!! Jese's car cost about $240 to get fixed. There was something wrong with the tire, the steering wheel, alignment, and his brakes were metal on metal!! Yes I know it sounds like the guy was just trying to charge us more, but even I knew there was something wrong with the tire and you could tell it need to be re-aligned!! Opps, I forgot I was going to pay the cell phone bill today, don't let me forget to do it tomorrow!! I ate my last rochester cookie today :( I wish I had more to eat. Oh yes, on to the tests I had this week!! In Intermediate Accounting II I got a 65/100 on the test :( but that is okay because I could get that on every test and still get a C in the class, just as long as I hand in all of my homework!! Plus I wasn't the worst person so that made me feel better!! In Accounting Information Systems I just had half of the test today but it was the part I knew how to do really good, I don't know what I got yet but I would guess 30/30, so that should help in case I do bad on the multiple choice/true/false/essay question part on Friday, but I will study more for it tonight and tomorrow!! The last test I had was in Intermediate Mangerial/Cost Accounting. First we had a group quiz, then we convinced the prof. to let us take the test in groups too!! I think we did pretty good!! Well I am STARVING so I have to find something to eat....any suggestions!!!
Later Gators,
Later Gators,
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
"It took a Clinton to clean after the first Bush and I think it might take another one to clean up after the second Bush." - Hillary Clinton
Hello!! This is the car I am going to get at
the end of the month!! I wish I could get it today but I have to wait. This weekend at work it was actually really busy! I thought that it would be dead on Sunday but it wasn't. On Saturday I didn't even leave until 5:30, but that is because I wanted to move all of the chairs and rugs so I could mop super good!! I have been behind on the laundry since Friday, hopefully they catch up on it today before I get there!! Last night Jese and I went out to eat and there were like 2 other people at the resturant!! Then we went to go watch 27 dresses, it was good!! Today I have to work again :( But at least I get the next two days off, but I have test both of those days which I am not excited for at all. I got a C on my business law test! The roads are getting slippery, Winona schools are getting out 1 hour early, lame-o's always get out early! Well I guess I don't know anything else, have a nice day!!

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