1/2 test down, 2 1/2 to go
Hello!! Well I have been studying my Accounting for 2 hours now and my hand is too cramped to write anymore problems so I am taking a few minute break!! I can't be too long of a break though because I only have an hour before my next class and I still have another chapter of problems to go over, plus the ones I didn't get right in the last chapter I did!! Yesterday instead of going to one of my classes that I just play on computer in I skipped it and went home to study for the first part of the test I had today, I also went home early from work to study for it. After all of that studying I got to class today and didn't get the essay part of the test, I got the problem instead, but now at least I am ready for the essays on Friday. I have all of the answers memorized except for 3 so now I have to work on those tomorrow night! Tomorrow I have the test I have been dreadng for weeks, my Intermediate Accounting II test :( I am not excited for it at all. I wish I could go back and re-take the last two accounting classes becasue right now I am just lost on what we are doing and I don't have time to go to a tutor since the time I do have off I am doing all of my homework or studying for 3 tests at once!! Jese has been a big help though, he has been doing all of the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and laundry!!! He even bought me flowers yesterday because I have been studying so hard!! So back to my test I have tomorrow, I am thinking about leaving my night class tonight early so I can come back home and study more, I'm just not ready for this test at all and all of the questions are problems so I have to know how to do them. I probably won't leave the class early though, me and another girl were thinking about it but we will see what everyone else does! We are all in the same classes so we all have the same stuff to study for. I have a quiz in that class today but it is a group one so I haven't even looked over the stuff yet, oh yeah, I have to print off stuff for that class too. Looks like I won't have time to study for my test anymore untill I am done with class. On Friday I have a business law test and the essay part of the test I started today. I think I know the stuff for business law but I'm not sure because I didn't get a chance to read the chapters yet and I normally do, oh how I wish I was done with school, then I would just have to work instead of working, going to school, and trying to fit in time to do homework!! I know I'm whinny today but that is just because my head is about to explode from studying overload!! Last night I studyed from 5:30-9:00 with a break to eat supper (chinese food, yummy!!) Then I got up this morning and did some more. Then I went to my classes, came home ate lunch (chinese again, yummy!!) and started studying again!! On a more happier note, next week is spring break, which means a whole week of no classes, and it means a whole week to forget everything I just learned!! I am getting very sleeping, I wish I could take a nap :( Today is my only day off of work this week :( I work from thursday-monday, I better wash some clothes otherwise I'll be wearing dirty clothes (actually I should say dirtier clothes because I've worn about 1/2 the shirts twice already) Jese has tomorrow off so maybe he can do that since he has no tests to study for! Well I better go I can probably get one more problem done before I have to leave for class!!Christa
1 comment:
GOOD LUCK ON THE REST OF YOUR TEST!!!!! I know you can do it!!!!
Love you
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