Hello!! Jese and I just got back a little bit ago. We got up bright and early this morning to drive to Faribo so we could drop off our garage sale stuff! We also stopped by the deaf school to say hi to papa! We were going to order our wedding pictures but we forgot to call the photographer to tell her we would be in town so she wasn't there :( So then we went to El Tequila for lunch!! We saw Niki there too. Then we drove back to Wy-nooona so we could both work! Oh yes, this morning when I got up it was snowing out, I was not happy, we even had to wipe the snow off of my car!!! Yesterday we ate at the Ground Round, it was delicous! That is my new favorite place to eat in winona besides subway!! Tomorrow I don't have to work or go to school!! So I will clean for 1/4 of the day, study for 1/4 of the day and watch tv for the other 1/2!!! Jese is studing right now but that is just because he is an over achiever!!! Just kidding, he has a test tomorrow at 8 AM!!! One of the classes I signed up for this summer had a misprint in time, it said it got done at 3:10 but actually it gets done at 4:10 so now I can't take it untill the fall like I orignally planned anyways because I have to be at work at 4 :( Oh well, I guess I will live!! Okay well I am going to read for 20 minutes then watch a tv show and then get ready for work!! Later gators!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Rain doesn't stop, panic sets in!!
I can't imagine what people who were affected by the flood are thinking right now with all the rain that seems like it will never stop. I wasn't really affected by it besides that I was stuck in my apartment for a day and I keep panicing thinking that I am going to get stuck in again, I know I am nuts!! The first thing I did this morning when I noticed it was still raining out was look in the parking lot to see if it was flooded again. Then I think, man what if it was my house was flooded last year, I don't think I would have slept last night because it was pouring out hard!! I guess we have only gotten 2 inches of rain so far though so that is good! It should stop by tonight!! Today is my last day of classes!! I am super excited!! I got 50/50 on paper that I turned in on wednesday! I am pretty sure she didn't read a single paper because she doesn't even grade tests that fast! Last night right before I was going to leave for work I got a call from work! The said that it was super dead all day and they had 3 people on all night so they wanted to know if I just wanted to be on call last night so I didn't have to just sit there, so I got to sit at home all night!!! It was great! I finished by book, it was good! Well I have to go get ready for school now so later gators!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
well for the most part I am finally finished with this semester!! Tomorrow is the last day of classes then on wednesday I have one final and on thursday I have two finals! This week was a busy one! I had a paper due yesterday and on Tuesday after work I ended up going to the library, yes the library, to finish it! Jese and I were there from 8:30-11:30!! He helped me with it so I made him cupcakes yesterday!! I also made a new rachael ray receipe, it was some sort of pasta, it was yummy and super easy to make. Yesterday Heather and Jamie brought us our new couch, which just so happened to be there old couch!! It is sweet!! They are moving to Colorado next week so they are getting rid of everything, that is how we got their couch! I have to work today, tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!!! I am going to talk to the manager and quit working the other receptionist's Tuesdays because I am sick of working pretty much every day of the week. Well I guess I don't really know anything else, I am just sitting in class watching presentations, it is BORING!! Okay later gators,
Monday, April 21, 2008
this is a first....
okay so I couldn't concentrate at home so for the first time ever I am in the library doing homework....looks like I still couldn't stay off the internet!! I am half way done with my paper!!
Later Gators,
p.s. I got a few phone calls about my hair...yes there is a yellow streak and it will fade out in a few days don't worry!!
Later Gators,
p.s. I got a few phone calls about my hair...yes there is a yellow streak and it will fade out in a few days don't worry!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
New hair style!!!
This morning I accidently slept in untill 10:00, I wasn't happy about that. So I got up ate breakfast, took a shower and started homework. Now I am sick of doing it so I am quitting!! I am predicting that I will get 3 B's and 1 C this semester, that is much better then I have been doing, normally I get all C's!! Yeah me! Look for pictures in the next couple of days, I have my photo shoot today at work!! Jese is coming with so he will take a picture or two of me so I will finally will have one so you can see my hair!! Later gators,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century." -Dame Edna Everage
Hello again!! Well this week/weekend hasn't been too exciting. I really haven't done much. On Sunday Jese and I went to Lacrosse so we could go to Kohls and try to find me some new clothes, I got 2 dresses and a pair of shorts! We also went to the mall and Jese got some new video games. Today I finally get to have my hair colored!! I am sooo excited, it is going to look sweet! I am getting it done at 1:30. It is so nice out, I am glad winter is finally over, I was sick of it! I just left my class because I had to pee but then I came back, I shouldn't have though, it is boring!! Yesterday I registered for my classes, I forgot that everyone could start at 8AM for summer classes so by the time I remebered to do it most of my classes were gone, but I still managed to find 4 of them. I am taking 6 classes in the fall. I still have to sign up for one because they only let you register for up to 16 credits for the first week of registration so since I am taking 18 I have to wait to sign up for one. I started to panic because it said that I didn't have some of the pre-reqs done for it because I didn't take public speaking or reading/writing because I had classes that transfered for them so I had to email the registrations office and get it so I could register for it, jerks!! Jese is signed up for his last classes here, he is excited!! Now he is filling out his application for St. Mary's. He started to do it this morning and I told him to do it in pencil first because that is what mama always told me to do and he said no and did it in pen...he messed up with his address...now he needs to get a new application and this time he is going to listen to me!! Next week is our last week of classes!!! Then we just have finals and we are done with this semester..woohoo!! Okay well I don't know anything else so I am going to play a game now!
Later Gators,
Later Gators,
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
So much for my day off!
Hello!! Well I just got a phone call from the other receptionist, she has to bring her daughter somewhere and needed me to work for her, but I have class untill 6 so a stylist is being a receptionist untill I get there. I don't know why her daughter can't drive herself, she is plenty old to. So I am going to be working 8 days in a row :( oh well, I guess I will just make more money, plus it is only 1 1/2 hours today! I'm cold, I wish it were warmer out. I applied for my financial aid yesterday and today I mailed in my application for summer financial aid, now Jese just needs to do it and we will be set! He picked up his application for graduation today, he is 2 weeks late in handing it in but that is okay, the school will live! His advisor said that he should have no problem in getting into st. marys so that is good! I am watching everwood right now, I wish they would have put more seasons out on dvd so I could watch them! Well I guess I don't really know anything so I will let you all get back to work or whatever you are supposed to be!!
Later Gators,
Later Gators,
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
What a boring day!!
Monday, April 07, 2008
A good weekend!
Hello everyone!! Well this weekend was a fun one!! On Saturday it was sooo nice out!! Jese and I flied my kite finally, well really he did because I couldn't get it to stay up!! I forgot my camera though so you don't get to see how sweet it looked!! Then we played catch and botchy ball, it was fun!! We also did some shopping, we both got a new pair of shorts for this summer and I got a new swimsuit for $14, it was on clerance at target!! I also got some new shirts for summer since I don't own any! We also brought the kittens outside for about an hour, they loved it! But we wanted our sweatshirts so I went inside to get them and Oreo heard me and tried to come running in but she was hooked on the bike outside so she got stuck and got scared because she couldn't get all the way in! By the time she got unhooked from the bike she went shooting under the bed and I almost I to crawl under it to get the leash off of her!! Then she stayed under there for a few hours because she was tramatized!! Since it was so nice out on Saturday Jese and I decided not to study, well really it was just me who decided not to study!! On Sunday we got up at 9:30 because Amy called, jerk!! Then we went to Lewiston to run the 8K there! We ran over half of it!! I am estimatting that we walked about a mile total, that is much better then I thought we would do! Our time was 1 hour and 1 minute!! So our pace time was 12:22!! That is pretty slow but since I haven't ran since high school I am happy with it!! Today I am not even that sore, mostly just my back hurts! After I sit for awhile my legs get a little sore when I stand but that goes away really fast! So on Sunday I was going to study but by the time we got home from the race I was tired and didn't want to, so I said screw it!! So today I had a test and I was hoping I would get the problem part because I knew how to do that, but I got the essay part, which is the part I was supposed to be studying for all weekend!!! I think I probably got about a C on that part, on Wednesday I will do the problem which will help out my test grade!! Okay well I don't know anything else so later gators!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Gansta Car be gone!!
Something horrible happened last night!! I got pulled over because my windows were tinted a little to much!! In Minni-soo-ta window tinting has to be between 50-100%, my back windows are 22% and the front ones are 35%!! Opps, I guess I better get rid of my gansta windows!! I am so sad becasue they make my car look so much sweeter, but I figure if I don't take the tint off I will get pulled over all the time because the popo's will think I'm a drug dealer!! I figure that is what made the cop pull me over last night, because as soon as I pulled out of the parking lot he pulled me over, jerk!! I don't work again today, how sweet is that!! On Friday we don't have classes and it is supposed to get up to 55 degrees!!! That will be really nice! Oh yes, last night we played an April Fools joke on the owner/boss of the salon!! We had someone call her and tell her that Roberta (the manager) got arrested for DUI and that she had to come pick her up, she said that she was on her way but then she heard Roberta laugh in the background so she knew it was a joke! Then we called her back and told the April Fools!!! She thought it was funny!! I think I am going to make roast and potatoes and carrots for supper tonight, that way I don't really have to cook!! Plus if I cook then Jese has to clean up dishes! HAHA I am so sneaky!! On Friday morning Jese and I are going to walk/jog around the bigger lake, it is somewhere between 3-5 miles, we don't really know!! I think it is more then 3 because it looks much bigger then the little lake. I should charge up my ipod so I can listen to some tunes while I walk/jog!! My new shoes are sweet! Jese loves his new ones too!! We weren't going to get him new ones but it was such a good deal we did, he is glad we did!! La de da de da!!! I am bored, my teacher is just leacturing, it is so boring when he does that!! I figured out my schedule for this summer and next semester! I am going to take Operations Management, and Global Studies, then I will take Approaches to Filma and Personal and Community Health, those two are both online!! Next semester I am going to take 2 classes online and 3 other classes! That way I don't have to sit in boring lectures!! Well I guess I don't know anything else so later gators!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
New Shoes!!!!
Later Gators,
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