Hello everyone!! Well this weekend was a fun one!! On Saturday it was sooo nice out!! Jese and I flied my kite finally, well really he did because I couldn't get it to stay up!! I forgot my camera though so you don't get to see how sweet it looked!! Then we played catch and botchy ball, it was fun!! We also did some shopping, we both got a new pair of shorts for this summer and I got a new swimsuit for $14, it was on clerance at target!! I also got some new shirts for summer since I don't own any! We also brought the kittens outside for about an hour, they loved it! But we wanted our sweatshirts so I went inside to get them and Oreo heard me and tried to come running in but she was hooked on the bike outside so she got stuck and got scared because she couldn't get all the way in! By the time she got unhooked from the bike she went shooting under the bed and I almost I to crawl under it to get the leash off of her!! Then she stayed under there for a few hours because she was tramatized!! Since it was so nice out on Saturday Jese and I decided not to study, well really it was just me who decided not to study!! On Sunday we got up at 9:30 because Amy called, jerk!! Then we went to Lewiston to run the 8K there! We ran over half of it!! I am estimatting that we walked about a mile total, that is much better then I thought we would do! Our time was 1 hour and 1 minute!! So our pace time was 12:22!! That is pretty slow but since I haven't ran since high school I am happy with it!! Today I am not even that sore, mostly just my back hurts! After I sit for awhile my legs get a little sore when I stand but that goes away really fast! So on Sunday I was going to study but by the time we got home from the race I was tired and didn't want to, so I said screw it!! So today I had a test and I was hoping I would get the problem part because I knew how to do that, but I got the essay part, which is the part I was supposed to be studying for all weekend!!! I think I probably got about a C on that part, on Wednesday I will do the problem which will help out my test grade!! Okay well I don't know anything else so later gators!
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