Grrr...I am so mad right now...Jese and I finished our health class today and to get an A you need 315 points, I got 313, jese got 316, now I am made at him, jerk! maybe she will give me an A becasue I talked alot in class and teachers like that! After we finished our test in that class today we went grocery shopping and spent lots of money :( But now we have lots of food and beverages! Since I quit drinking pop I got lots of juice and some powered gatoraid! We were going to go swimming after we got back from shopping but it was closed because of a chemical inbalance, so then I took a shower, and then they called Jese and told him they opened it back up, jerks! So then Jese cleaned and I got supper ready for tonight. We are going to have chicken tacos made in the slow cooker...they have chicken, taco seasoning, diced tomatoes with green chilis in them. Then when they are done we can put them on taco shells and put cheese on them! Well I will put sour cream on them too!! Tomorrow morning we are leaving bright and early so we can get to Waseca because I have a bridal shower to go to. Then I am leaving Jese in Waseca and I am going to Faribo. Alicia's brother has his graduation party on Saturday so I am going to that and I have to pick up our wedding pictures finally! On Sunday morning Papa is making me breakfast, he told me so! I think I want french toast, yummy!! Then I am going to go shopping in his freezer for some meat! Then I will go pick up Jese and we will be back here by 4:30 for my work meeting. Well that is all I know for now so later gators!Christa

Yeah I know it isn't that difficult of a cake to deocrate but I thought I would start easy! Jese helped me bake it! I tried out a new yellow cake recipe, he said that it is the best cake reciepe I have used so far, even better than my chocolate cake! I haven't tried it yet! Okay well that is all for now! Later gatorsChrista
Pizza wanted to go outside today so she took out Jese's bike!! We just got back from swimming!! Yes I said that right, we finally got to go swimming!! There were some other hookers out there though so I couldn't run in the pool like I wanted to, jerks! We are in a tornado watch untill 9:00 tonight, sweet huh! Today at work it wasn't very busy, well it wasn't busy at all! I left 30 minutes early! Right now I have a towel on my head because I don't feel like drying my hair so I am letting the towel do it for a bit! Yesterday we got leashes for the kitties so they can sit outside hooked on a stake so I can bring them both out by myself but Pizza figured out how to get out of her harness so now we have to get her a different one she can't get out of. She knows how to get out of her collar to, jerk!! They don't like it when they walk 12 ft and then they can't go any farther! hahaha!! I got my cake decorating for dummies book in the mail yesterday, I have read almost half of it so far! Jese is using his bike a lot now that we got him a new one and I told him he had to use it if we bought it! Yesterday he took it to walmart and target and today he brought it to work! He is so gas efficant! Tonight we are going to watch Mad Money, I hope it is better than the reviews said it was, I don't trust the reviewers though. Right now we are making Glorias Sloppy Joes! They smell delicious! Oh yes, we think we have a ghost here. When Jese came home the other day the TV in the bedroom was on, but he just figured the kitties turned it on again so he shut it off and then when he came back to the room it was on again and the kitties weren't in the room! And someone put our toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet and we don't keep them in there!! So we are pretty sure we are being haunted, I wonder who it is! At least they are friendly! Well I am going to read some more of my cake decorating book so later gators!Christaoh yeah, I don't work again untill thrusday, woohoo!
Hello! Well with the combination of my monster boobs and bad posture, I am now in almost constant pain!! My upper back has been killing me for the last two weeks and I asked momma about it and she said it is because I have monster boobs, so I researched and yep she is pretty much right, plus my horriable posture doesn't help, but that is brought on my monster boobs too! So now it is for sure, as soon as I have kids I am getting these babies reduced! I am sure everyone wanted to hear about my boob problems so now I guess I will change topics!! This weekend Jese and I babysat Liam, well pretty much Jese did it and I didn't really do much! We went to two parks with him, he loves going down the slides (Liam, not Jese!) We got back to Winona around 9:00 on Sunday. Yesterday (Monday) we had class, BORING!! Then we both worked. Today we had class again but we got done way early because our teacher was in a car accident a few years ago because a drunk college student ran into her and she was in coma for like a month and so now she needs to be tested so the doctors can tell her she has a brain injury! Well I have to keep working on my family health tree now so later gators! Oh by the way, the Wadekamper side has pretty much no information, but the Becker side has lots to make up for it!-Christa
Hello!! Has anyone gotten their tax stimulas check yet?? We were supposed to get $1200 because we are married but we only got $600. I was just wondering if anyone else got theirs yet and if the payment was split up in more than one payment. I have to work tonight :( I hope it isn't busy then I can go home!! After Jese is done with work we are driving to Waseca so we can babysit Liam this weekend. We should get there by midnight! Well I am in class right now so later gators!ChristaOh yeah, I got 82% on my test yesterday and I didn't even study!! Jese got 88%!
This is what I looked like all day today...
...and this is what I look like now!! The picture isn't a good one at all though, I look funny in it!! So this is why I let the girl at work cut my hair however she wanted because I knew I was getting my hair back!! Okay later gators!Christa
Hello everyone! Jese and I are in our Health class that we are taking this summer and we need everyones help! We have to do a family tree and get health information on everyone. So here is where I need your help...any info you have on my great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, and siblings (amy and cassie) I need. I don't need cousins or people that were married into the family. I need birth dates, death, health issues, anything significant like baldness, education, careers, height, miscarriages, cancer, heart issues. You can email it to me at Thanks! Oh yeah, Jese need info on his family too so if any of them read this help him out too!Christa
Happy mommas day momma!! Here is a picture of the inside of my triple chocolate cheese cake I slaved away on last night! It took a total of two hours to bake!!! Well about 1 hour of it was me getting it ready for the oven and then 1hr 15 min. it was in the oven baking!! It took soooo long, I don't like making cheese cakes just because it took so long!! Everyone at work LOVED my chocolate cake and cheese cake!! Well I am watching Gilmore Girls so later gators!-Christa
I am sooo sad. Right now I should be still sleeping in a cabin up north :( This is the first year since I can't remeber that I haven't been up north for fishing opener, stupid work! I wish that is where I was right now instead of going to work. Nothing has happend this week. We have just been sitting around enjoying our week off of school and going to work. On Monday we start one of our classes, oh yes and Jese got 2 As, 2 Bs and a Pass(his internship) for his Spring classes, he is so smart!! Well I am going to go to work now! Later gators,Christa

Hello again! Sorry it's been awhile! Last week we finished up our classes! I got 2 B's and 2 C's. Jese's grades aren't up yet. We both worked Friday and decided not to go back to Faribo because it was raining out so we got up early Saturday morning and headed back. We went to the photographers and finally got our pictures ordered! Then we went to Waseca to go to Zennias to use a gift card we had. Then we went to mothers and picked her up to bring her to grandma's with us! We stopped at A&W on the way and she bought us lunch it was yummy! We were at grandma's from 12-4 doing garage sale stuff! We sold lots!!! We still have a lot of clothes left though, we had 2 bags when we went there and we still have one left :( After the sale me, Jese, Amy, and Adam we to El Tequila, yum!! Then we went to Owatonna and saw the movie Made of Honor, it was funny. Then we went back to Amy's and Amy and I went to sleep!! On Sunday we played games all day and Dad came over for supper. We had chicken and rice! Then at 9:00 Jese and I finally drove home and got to Winona around 11:00! Well that is about I know for now so later gators!!