Pizza went on a bike ride
Pizza wanted to go outside today so she took out Jese's bike!! We just got back from swimming!! Yes I said that right, we finally got to go swimming!! There were some other hookers out there though so I couldn't run in the pool like I wanted to, jerks! We are in a tornado watch untill 9:00 tonight, sweet huh! Today at work it wasn't very busy, well it wasn't busy at all! I left 30 minutes early! Right now I have a towel on my head because I don't feel like drying my hair so I am letting the towel do it for a bit! Yesterday we got leashes for the kitties so they can sit outside hooked on a stake so I can bring them both out by myself but Pizza figured out how to get out of her harness so now we have to get her a different one she can't get out of. She knows how to get out of her collar to, jerk!! They don't like it when they walk 12 ft and then they can't go any farther! hahaha!! I got my cake decorating for dummies book in the mail yesterday, I have read almost half of it so far! Jese is using his bike a lot now that we got him a new one and I told him he had to use it if we bought it! Yesterday he took it to walmart and target and today he brought it to work! He is so gas efficant! Tonight we are going to watch Mad Money, I hope it is better than the reviews said it was, I don't trust the reviewers though. Right now we are making Glorias Sloppy Joes! They smell delicious! Oh yes, we think we have a ghost here. When Jese came home the other day the TV in the bedroom was on, but he just figured the kitties turned it on again so he shut it off and then when he came back to the room it was on again and the kitties weren't in the room! And someone put our toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet and we don't keep them in there!! So we are pretty sure we are being haunted, I wonder who it is! At least they are friendly! Well I am going to read some more of my cake decorating book so later gators!Christaoh yeah, I don't work again untill thrusday, woohoo!
1 comment:
mabye somebody broke into your apartment just to move your tooth brushes around:)
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