Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back to the grindstone!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
a sad sad day...
So you are probably wondering why today is a sad sad day. It is a sad sad day because we just went to the book store and paid $760.00 on books, and we still have one more to buy and I didn't buy two of mine because I already own them!! My intro to tax book cost $200!!! Jerks haven't they ever heard of using old books who cares if they had old tax laws in them, just as long as we get the idea!!! Yesterday I was supposed to get my hair cut and colored but it ended up not happening so now I am going to do it on Tuesday after classes, hopefully!! I only have a few more days of freedom before school starts. That is probably a good thing though because if I have nothing I need to do I get bored and end up going shopping which is okay for 2 weeks but if it lasted longer than that it would probably end up badly!!! Today I have to work :( Jese doesn't though so he is going to play games ALLL day long, that is what he said, he said he is going to play one game for 5 hours and then another game for 5 more hours!!! I don't know how he can sit that long!! Last night I didn't sleep under any of the blanekets except for the comfrater!! I slept ontop of them, hehe!! I just fell asleep like that I didn't mean to!! Right now I am sitting in the study and Oreo is sitting in here with me on the desk, she is looking out the window. Pizza is helping Jese play video games, she likes to do that!! Okay well I guess I don't really know anything else so I will let you all get back to your busy (okay lets not lie, your boring uneventful) day!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
4 long years....
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What a day!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." -Mignon McLaughlin

Anyways, I have decided I need to talk to my friends more since I have none down here and it gets kind of lonely sometimes, because sometimes you just need to talk to a girl and not worry about what you say is going to go throughout the entire family because most of them can't keep a secret!!! So today I talked to Alicia for half an hour!!! I don't think I talked on the phone to anyone besides Jese for that long before, well besides mama and amy because I always talk to them. It was nice though because there are just some things I can't talk about with family, and not Jese because he isn't a girl!!!! I am getting sick of a lot of the girls at work because they are getting really annoying because they are whinnier then ever!! Today I heard that one of the girls asked the manager if she could go home for an hour to have sex, and she was serious!!! Who in the world would have the guts to ask for something like that!!! There is defiantly something wrong with the people of this world!! So has anyone seen the picture in People magazine of our lovely President slapping a volleyball player's ass, well the caption said it was her back but it sure didn't look like it!!! I thought it was a little inapporiate for our President to been seen slapping girls asses that are probably more than half his age!!! Speaking of which, Hugh Hefner is old enough to be Kendra's great grandpa!!! That is really gross if you ask me!!! So when she was about 14 he was somewhere around 73, that is a little bit illegal, gross!! Jimmy Johns is sooo nice, they brought us sandwiches today at work for free!!! So when I got there there was still about 7 sandwiches so I ate one after I took all of the lettuce, sprouts, and tomato's off of it!! It was delicious!! Right now Jese is working but he is at home I wish I could work from home!! I am watching the Olympics right now and the American gymnastics girl is really trying hard not to cry because she got put into second place and apparently she should be in first but I don't really know because I haven't been really watching it!! Today I watched Jon and Kate plus 8, love that show!! I couldn't having 6 kids in my tummy and then having to take care of all of them plus twins!!! That would be super tough!! Most big families can have the older kids take care of the younger ones but when they are all the same age you can't do that!!! Jon must get paid lots of money because he is the only one who works, he does some IT stuff, I don't remember what!! Okay well I guess this is getting a bit long and I have to go potty now and then go to bed!! Night!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Clean Clean Clean!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We're Back again!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
holy schnickies!!!