Hello! This morning I got up at 8:30!! I don't know why I don't sleep in later while I can!! Next week is my last week of summer :( My two weeks of summer are going by way to fast :( Remeber the days when I didn't take summer school and I could have the whole summer to do what I wanted!! Well I guess those days are over so I should just enjoy the time I have off while I can because pretty soon I won't even have those days off! Speaking of which, I am super jealous of Jese, he is going to be done with school in December and will probably have the next 3 months off after that, jerk! Well I guess that is okay because he will have to get a real job, hehe!! Anyways back to today, after I got up I ate some breakfast while watching tv! Then I took a shower, did the dishes, stopped by at work to get my check and bring it to the bank, and then I went home and did lots of cleaning so now I don't have to do any this weekend!! Jese helped me a little bit to once he was up and done working out (which by then I was pretty much almost done!) Then after I got done cleaning I ate lunch and then I spent the next hour curling my hair! I don't know why I work at a hair salon because then my hair has to look nice and that is just way to much work!! I really need to get it colored I am hoping to bribe someone to do it for me next week so it is done before school starts! I work in one hour :( I am not excited to be there, yesterday I didn't get my cleaning stuff done because I was doing inventory stuff so now I have lots to do today, well it really isn't to much, it is as much as I used to do so I am sure I will be able to handle it! Right now I can hear the marching band practicing! Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you the good news! When Jese and I came home on Tuesday we found a check for $321 wrote out to us!! We forgot about the return taxes from renting and that was what it was, we also found a note on our door letting us know that we are finally getting a new parking lot! Yea!!! But they are doing the parking lot the first week of school which means I have to walk all the way from the middle school with my super heavy bookbag :( Jerks, couldn't have they done it next week instead!! Okay well I don't really know anything else so I think I am going to go pack some snacks for work today!
Yeepee, the mail is finally here so I can go get that too!!
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