Monday, March 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Mama!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Just an update!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Just a quickie!
Good Morning!

Monday, March 23, 2009
"Payback's a bitch, and it's name is Jese" -Jese while playing Risk
Hello! We made it back from up north don't worry! We had lots and lots of fun! We got up there around 11:00 pm Thursday night. After we unpacked everything we played two games of Yatzee and I won by a landslide against Jese! After that it was about midnight and Amy, Adam, Liam, and Josie showed up. Jese helped Adam bring everything in because he is a very nice brother-in-law! Then we all went to bed. On Friday Liam woke me up so I woke Jese up and made him take care of Liam, he even changed to super duper dirty diper because he is such a nice uncle! Once everyone was up Adam made everyone some french toast, yummy! Then we all took Liam outside while Josie slept. We went sliding down the hill, it was really icy so it was lots of fun because we went super fast! Jese pulled me up the hill in the sled because he is such a nice husband! After that we had some lunch (sloppy joes made by Jese) Then I think we played a game of yahtzee and then Jese and Adam went out fishing. By the time they got back Liam was ready to go out so then they brought him out too. I don't remeber what else we did on Friday. Oh yeah, Liam didn't take a nap so then on Saturday he slept in until 9:30 so we all got to sleep in! It was nice! On Saturday we played way more games, I won Monopoly! Jese had lots of fun comments, like the quote for todays blog! That night we all went out fishing. Amy and I walked across the lake. The fish weren't bitting very good so I got bored and cold so I walked back about an hour before everyone else. For supper Lee came over and fried up some fish, they were yummy, and I also made spaghti because there wasn't many fish. We played Risk that night, Jese was the first one out and he pouted and said it was stupid and he tried to quit because Amy was just going to leave him with one territory so he wouldn't be able to play the DS, but since he whinned so much she just took him out! On Sunday I got up before everyone else (well besided Liam who woke me up) and packed up all of our stuff so when Jese got up he could put it all in the car. We ended up leaving at 11:00 and we got home at 5:00. Oh and Jese wants everyone to know that on the way up there we didn't stop at all and he is very proud of himself! On the way home we stoped at McDonalds because I was hungry! And that brings us to today...
Today was a spending day. On Thursday I discovered Jese was not taking care of his car at all and it was falling apart so I told him he couldn't drive it untill he took care of it. So far we have spent $550 on it, by Wednesday that total will be up to $797, so much for saving our tax money for moving expenses. Today he got a new battery (that took him an hour to put in, and the old was the original), a new air filter (he hasn't changed it in two years), the oil changed (2,000 miles over), four new tires, two new belts (olds ones were about to snap), and on wednesday he will get a new windshield that we get to pay for because he decided we didn't need window coverage on his car. So needless to say our tax money is gone and he wants a new C.D! I wanted to save the money for when we move to pay the fee to get out of our lease and for deposits at our new place but we will just have to come up with other money, but that is okay because it is better than having to buy a new car because this one burned up and died! I am glad I had to drive it on Thursday so I could see what horriable shape it was in so we could fix it before it got even worse, it didn't even want to start for me! Now he just needs to clean it out and vaccum it and it will be as good as new, minus the rusty door that still needs to be fixed! Maybe that can be a job for Adam to do instead of a car shop charging us up the wazoo! Okay well that is my day, hopefully everyone else had a less spendy Monday, maybe they should rename it to Moneyday, haha, I am sooo funny!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
We're going up north!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm Sleepy

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Enjoying the nice weather
Hello! I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the weather yesterday and today! Me and Jese did, well me more than him since he worked. Yesterday we ran 1 mile and walked 1 mile, it went pretty good! Today I did Wii Fit for 35 minutes, 150 sit ups, and walked 2 miles! This year I will hopefully be able to run the full race in Lewiston! I need to send in my form for that still, maybe I will do it on Wednesday. I love the warm weather, but with the change of the season comes a few bad things. This morning I woke up at 5:00 having a sneezing attack! I haven't taken allergy pills for a few weeks and have been fine but I might have to start again since it is almost spring. Another bad thing that came with the weather is bad drivers! On my way to school today everyone was driving crazy! I got pulled out in front of twice and I saw a car turn and almost run into a biker! Everyone is also driving much faster, it must be because they think it is safe to drive crazy because all of the snow is gone, nut jobs! I still drive my normal safe way! We brought the kittens out today, they only got to stay out for about 40 minutes today though because Jese had to go in to Public Health to get tested for TB for his potential new job and I wanted to walk to Kwik Trip. I was going there to get some bananas but I figured since I walked all the way there I better have another donut, hehe!! So I ate that while walking back, don't worry I will eat a banana tonight! I have decided that since I am working out now I can eat donuts every now and then! Soon I will be going further than 2 miles so I will go to the lakes to run/walk and there will be no more kwik trip donuts for me. Jese had to pick up a shift tonight because someone had the flu but he got out of most of it so he is just working untill 5:30. We are going to make pizza for supper, yummy! Tomorrow I will have a busy day because I have to make 2 different kinds of cookies (choc. chip and rochester) to bring up north because Amy and Adam wanted two different kinds so instead of making one of them disappointed I said I would make both. I also might have to run to the store for a few groceries to bring up north and I have to pack, oh and do some homework I guess! Right now all of my windows and the porch door are open, I love the fresh air! Okay well that is all for today!
2 days til up north, yeepee!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It sure is warm out!!!
This is the fort I made for the kittens, the LOVED it!
Hello! It is so nice outside! I have already gone on a bike ride and a two mile walk! Well the bike ride wasn't really a bike ride, I just rode my bike through the parking lot and onto the road and back so it wasn't very long :) After my bike ride Jese and I walked to Kwik Trip and got breakfast, we got dougnuts, yummy! We also got orange juice and bananas and it only cost $3.15 total, what a deal! Now my legs are TIRED! We are going to let the kitties play outside today, they will love it! Jese and I are also going to make cookies and I am going to do some cleaning, laundry, and homework because that is what I do!
Yesterday after Jese was done with work we drove to St. Peter to visit Conor. We had lots of fun! We went out to eat and the food was really good but the service sucked balls, I only left her a $1 tip because she didn't check on us for 45 minutes and then when she did it took her another 15 minutes to go get our bill and then another 10 minutes to get our change and it wasn't even that busy! We didn't get back to Winona until 1:30 AM but that is okay because it was a fun trip!
Okay well I am going to go continue my day!
Get outside and do something fun today!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Did You See The Weather Forecast!!
Hello again! I know, I know, I updated already today but I felt like I owed you some pictures since I haven't put any up in a long time so I took some today! Did you see the weather forecast, it is supposed to be almost 60 degrees!!!! Yeepee, good bye winter! Okay that is all!
My First Friday Off!

Well today is my first of many fridays off! I don't remeber the last Friday I had off of work, it must have been last summer! It is really weird not going to work, but I like it! I just got done watching last nights episode of Ugly Betty and now I am going to go run a few errands and then come home and do some homework! All of the profs. decided to lay on the homework this week so I have a lot to do, good thing I have all this free time to do it! Sometime this weekend Jese and I are going to drive to St. Peter and visit Conor because we haven't seen him in ages! Probably longer than the last time I had a Friday off! Amy and Adam are going up north next weekend and they invited us along so we are going to go up there, yeepee! We are going to leave Thursday afternoon and come back Sunday night, it should be lots of fun! It worked out perfect because Jese has that Friday off and that whole weekend. I only got up north one time last year, hopefully this year I will get up there way more. I already have two trips planned to go up, next weekend and opener fishing weekend. Jese had a job interview yesterday, he will find out by Saturday afternoon if he got the job, I hope he does, then we could live in Waseca, or close to it! Okay well time for me to get moving!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Goodbye H&R Block, Hello Turbo Tax!
Hello! Well awhile ago I did our taxes on H&R Block and they wouldn't let me e-file them because they still didn't have some form online and they said it would be available mid-Feb. Well it is now March and still nothing, so today I just redid our taxes on Turbo Tax and they filed them right away! We should get our money soon, yeepee! So far today I haven't done much, just some homework and cleaning. I mopped the floor, it is finally dry so now I have to put everything back in there! I had a test yesterday, not sure how it went yet, I didn't feel to confidant about it after I finished so hopefully I was a good guesser! Okay well I don't know anything so I am going to continue with my day!
Monday, March 09, 2009
This is my day...
...Hello! Well after you heard from me this morning I had a change in plans! First I took my shower like I said I was going to and then I though, hmm, if I do my homework here instead of the library I can do the laundry too. So that is what I did, I did homework and the laundry at the same time! After I finished reading my book I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls while folding the laundry and eating lunch. Then I wrote some of my paper, then I went to class! Class was really boring as always. After that I went to Walmart to get Liam a toy to play with for when he is here and to get some root beer for Amy! She is on her way here right now because she is buying Jese's computer and she couldn't wait untill Thursday to get it, she had to have it NOW! I now see where Liam gets that! After I got home I checked my emails and saw that my grade from the tax test I took before spring break was finally up and I did amazing! I got 68/76, yes that is almost an A! It is 89.4%, yeepee! I am very proud of myself! Good thing the best score out of the class was 76 otherwise my grade would have been really bad!! It was supposed to be out of 100 but he just makes an A the best scorer in the class because everyone does so horriable! I am glad I did good on that test, it makes my life much easier because now I don't have to worry about that class and I can concentrate on other classes. Okay well I am going to do some more homework before Amy gets here!
Darn, break is over
Well today it is back to school, and no I don't have my homework done yet! To finish up my spring break Jese and I went to Amy's yesterday to get his car. First we HAD to stop at El Tequila for lunch, yum! At Amy's we played with legos with Liam, it was fun! Then we played Monopoly, I kicked everyones butt! Then we played 5 crowns and yahtzee, I didn't win either one of those, I did come in second for both of them though! We made it back to Winona around 8:00 I think. Jese made us salmon patties for supper, they were yummy! Right now he is trying to get a cd out from behind the heater. He left it on the desk and the cats knocked it down and now it is stuck, way to go Jese! Pizza is trying to help him. Today I am going to have a library day because I haven't gotten any of my homework for the week done yet, opps! It's not like a I had a week to get it all done or anything! Really I don't have that much to do today, I have to read the rest of a book and write a report on it and study for a test I have on Tuesday, so not to much! Okay well I am going to go take a shower since I slept in untill 9:30 and am now way behind on going to the library!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
I'm Finished!!!
Yea!!! I am now retired!!! I just finished my last day of work, yeepee!! Today it was slooowww, which was nice because then I didn't really have to work :) Once the new girl came I had her do everything! Now the receptionist has to clean the bathroom and I made her do it! I don't really know anything, I just wanted to say yeepee I'm done working!!
Friday, March 06, 2009
well that was the longest day of work ever!
Hello! Well I guess I am still kind of sick. I went to work today and found that I still don't have all of my energy back! I only worked for an hour because I was all dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out. Yesterday alls I did was lay around, at 3:00 I even took a nap! I am able to eat regular meals now since yesterday so that is good, I should get my energy back soon! I know, you probably think I am a baby but if you saw me on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday you would believe that I looked like death warmed over! Right now I am watching Gilmore Girls. After a short nap I think I will finally start my homework that I was supposed to start on Wednesday. Jese was supposed to work tracking tonight but he changed with someone who needed this morning off so now he is done with work at 4:30, yea! He rode his bike to work today so I could have the car. Tomorrow he is getting the car though so I better be able to stay at work. Okay well I am going to write out all of our bills now and then go to sleep!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
What it's a break from school, time to get sick!
Well just like Christmas break, I am sick for Spring break. On Sunday I woke up with a sore throat and by the end of the day at work I could hardly stand! I went home and slept for 3 hours! I was supposed to drive to Amy's but I wasn't up to it. So instead I got up early Monday morning and drove to Waseca. I got my hair cut and colored, it looks really good! Then I went to Amy's and she took care of me, she is such a good sister! I laid on her couch all afternoon and watched tv! I haven't watched tv on a tv in a long time! I went to bed early and then on Tuesday we went to Cassies with Papa. We went out to eat, I still wasn't feeling very good and didn't eat much of my food but it was pretty good. Jese came to Waseca to pick me up so I wouldn't have to try to stay awake on the drive home. Today I feel better but my eyes hurt whenever I move them. I am going to take a shower, hopefully that will help them. I guess I might take some drugs too to see if that helps. I have to go grocery shopping today but I can't do it untill Jese comes home from work because we only have one car here, his is at Amy's house waiting for us to pick it up! We are going to get it on Sunday because then we can play games with Amy since we didn't play any when I was there! Oh yes, Jese got a job offer in the cities but it was just a part time job (only 15 hours a week) so he turned it down but they told him to call them when they move and they might still have a position available if he wants it so that is good! He is still applying to a bunch of places, hopefully one works out soon. Okay well it is shower time!
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