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Friday, March 13, 2009

My First Friday Off!

Well today is my first of many fridays off! I don't remeber the last Friday I had off of work, it must have been last summer! It is really weird not going to work, but I like it! I just got done watching last nights episode of Ugly Betty and now I am going to go run a few errands and then come home and do some homework! All of the profs. decided to lay on the homework this week so I have a lot to do, good thing I have all this free time to do it! Sometime this weekend Jese and I are going to drive to St. Peter and visit Conor because we haven't seen him in ages! Probably longer than the last time I had a Friday off! Amy and Adam are going up north next weekend and they invited us along so we are going to go up there, yeepee! We are going to leave Thursday afternoon and come back Sunday night, it should be lots of fun! It worked out perfect because Jese has that Friday off and that whole weekend. I only got up north one time last year, hopefully this year I will get up there way more. I already have two trips planned to go up, next weekend and opener fishing weekend. Jese had a job interview yesterday, he will find out by Saturday afternoon if he got the job, I hope he does, then we could live in Waseca, or close to it! Okay well time for me to get moving!


1 comment:

Amy said...

yeah!! it will be a game WEEKEND!!!