Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So Sleepy...

Good morning. I am sleepy today, well I was yesterday too. I have had no energy lately. Yesterday I didn't do anything untill 4:00. That is when I drove over to Faribault to work on a barn with papa. Now my arms are tired today and I have to do it again today :( The landlord people are working on the apartment next door and they are really loud, jerks. Some time today they are going to come over and go in the basement to change all the electrical work down there so everyone has access to their fuse boxes without having to come through our apartment. I think I might lay down and watch a movie this morning :) Right now I am watching Ellen. Okay well I am going to go eat some breakfast now.


Sharon said...

You have not energy because you are doing nothing. The less you do the more you feel like a slug. You need to move move move. Hello did you read the title to my blog today!!!! Of course everyone needs a sit around day once-in-awhile :)

Christa said...

yea whatever, I have been busy, yesterday was the first day I sat around