Jese and I had lots of fun up north this weekend! We got up around 9:00 on Thursday night. The mosqutios were horiable because the grass had to be cut. On Friday Jese got up at 5:00 and took one of the Iowa kids out bass fishing, they got 17 fish, most were nice bass. Friday was the worst weather day. It would be sunny for 15 minutes then start down pouring for 10 minutes, it was like that all day! So I read all day and Jese of course fished all day! Dad and Rita got up that night. I visited with them for awhile and then went to bed. On Saturday we slept in, then it was time to tan!! It was so nice out!! There were no clouds the whole day so I sat outside in my swimsuit all day. Jese didn't do much fishing, but he did go swimming a few times! Him and dad cut up the shore line to get it ready for a beach. That night we burned lots of brush and boards, now it is getting ready for a beach!! We also went to the Hill for supper that night. I got a steak, it was yummy! We stayed up pretty late with the fire. On Sunday Jese and Dad got up at 5:00 again to go bass fishing but the batteries for the boats were not working very well so they were only out for a couple of hours and the fish weren't bitting very well either. On Sunday we sat out in the sun all day again. Dad and Rita left in the afternoon so then it was just Jese and I up there. We took the paddle boat out for a few hours and saw lots and lots of fish. Then it was time for supper and then time to fish. The fish weren't bitting good at all so I went back in right away and got everything packed up and ready to go. Then I started a fire and Jese came in from fishing. We played a few games and then went to bed. Monday we slept in until 10:00 then packed everything up and we gone by 11:15!
Today I did the laundry, dishes, and looked for a job for a bit. I didn't find much. Right now I am washing my kitty blanket even though I am supposed to only dry clean it. I hope it doesn't get ruined but I have no choice, it is just too dirty!! I use it every night when I watch tv and I am a messy person and have spilled food and pop on it more than once!!
Right now Jese and I are watching our free cable tv!! Yesterday I reprogramed our tv and found out that we have free cable tv! I am guessing we are getting the neighbors tv, haha!! I love having free tv, it almost makes up for how expensive our internet is! Okay well that is it for today!
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