Hello! Yesterday was a BUSY day!! I was tired after it!! We decided (well mostly me) to clean the apartment because I had been gone for two weeks so it needed it! Jese tackled the downstairs while I did the upstairs. I should have picked the downstairs because Jese ended up getting done way before me! He was nice though and helped me by cleaning the bathroom. I started to do our massive amounts of laundry in the morning and I am still not done!! After we were done cleaning we went to Waseca to meet Remi, Kipper liked playing with her! We also did some quick grocery shopping. Once we got home it was already supper time!! I was so tired, I went upstairs to see if I could get a picture of the kittens in the kitty house and ended up falling asleep on the hard floor for half an hour!! I would have been there much longer but Jese came up two times to wake me up for supper, so I gave in and went downstairs to eat!! My neck was sore from my nap on the floor with no pillow! After that we just watched some tv. Once it was bedtime Kipper went right to bed like always. For two weeks up north he only whinned 2 nights and that was for about 5 minutes, well last night was much different!! I was about to shoot him he was so annoying!! At 1:00 he woke me up whinning, that I could ignore since you are supposed to because then they will stop. Well he didn't stop and he started barking!! Around 2:30 after about my 30th time getting up Jese finally woke up, but I think that is only because I turned on the light! Around 3:00 I moved him to the bathroom and shut the door, that didn't drown out his barking. Finally at about 4:30 Jese got him to shut up! I don't know what his problem was!! I was in tears because I got a migrane and couldn't take excedrin because that has caffine in it, we had no other drugs because Jese took them all, and I was so tired I was delerius!! I would hear noises that weren't real!! It was a bad night!! Following that bad night was a bad morning! Kipper decided to wake up at 7:00 and start up again!!! We decided to just give up because we were both so tired so Jese took him out to go potty and then put him in bed with us just so we could sleep, I know a bad bad thing to do, but I wanted to sleep!! I didn't get up untill 10:30 and Jese is still in bed with the dog!! To make matters worse, when I got the mail this morning we got a notice saying our health insurance will be ending on July 31st!!! Apparently we either didn't fill out the renewal form correct or we didn't send in some supporting documents, I don't know which because it doesn't say!! Good thing Jese gets insurance at his new job in 60 days because now we wouldn't be able to apply for MN Care for 3 months, that is how long they make you wait to reapply. Okay well I guess I better start my day since it is almost lunch time!!
Maybe he had to go potty.
Jese actually did bring him out to go potty after he woke up but that didn't work, he just peed a little and whinned some more, jerk!!
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