Monday, August 31, 2009
Another nice day!
Enjoy the nice weather!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I love this weather!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
So Sleepy!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
playtime outside!
Hola! I don't really know much today. We have just brought Kipper for a short walk, it was short because he decided to let the hound part of him out and stop and sniff EVERYTHING! I don't like him to walk him when he does that because I pretty much have to drag him along so we went back right away. Pizza really wanted to go outside so I put her out but then Kipper wanted to go out too so we brought him out too but had to supervise since they don't always get along! Pizza almost got her tail bite but I warned her just in time, Kipper likes tails!! They both had lots of fun outside!! Oreo watched from the window, she doesn't like all the traffic so she won't go out!! Okay well I am going to go see her now since she has hardly any human contact anymore since she just sits in the study all the time!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I love the rain!!
Yesterday I packed some more things, I am getting pretty far! Anything that won't be used in the kitchen has been packed up, mostly it is baking stuff! There are tons of boxes already just from the kitchen!! I also have the study about half way packed and all the pictures downstairs taken down! I am doing it all now just in case I actually get a call back from a job, get an interview, and get hired! Yesterday afternoon for about 4-5 hours I went through all of my racheal ray magazines and cut out all of the recipes I wanted so I don't have to have all of those heavy magazines laying around! Then I put all of the recipes into the photo album sheets that pull open because it was a great way to organize them and I bought those on accident once and I wasn't going to use them for photos! Today I have to buy some more and a binder to put them all in! I also have a whole bunch of other recipes I need to put away that I got from Jese's grandma for my wedding shower that are still not organized! While I was doing all of this, the landlord guy was in and out a bunch because our neighbor wants his heat turned on already!! So in order to get the heat on he had to seperate all of our heat vents with that apartment since they all used to be one apartment they weren't!! I can't believe he wants his heat on already, he is nuts!!! At least now that the heat ducts are seperated his smoke from smoking isn't traveling up to our bathroom anymore! It was making my allergies much worse but last night and this morning I didn't smell any smoke, yea! Okay well I have a headache so I am going to go eat and then take some drugs, have a nice day!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
stupid, stupid dog!!
Yesterday I got quite a few things done! I swept/mopped the kitchen floor, dusted, folded the laundry, did the dishes (more than once), made rochester cookies, and made chicken enchiladas! Okay I don't really know anything other than I am tired from staying up all night long!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Today is NOT going to be fun!
A Soon to be Sick,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Yea, it rained!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
New Fish, New Puppy Clothes, New Bed!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Boxes, boxes, boxes!!
I just got back a little bit ago! I had nothing to do so I took Kipper to the post office and then when we got back I decided to go to Northfield to get some boxes mama collected for me so she wouldn't have to drive to Waterville tonight! Kipper had fun there! He meet some of mama's coworkers and got to play with a stuffed kitty! We also toured the new dorms, they are nice, a little hot though! After that I went back to Waterville. That is all I have done today. Now Kipper is tired from his exciting trip, he is sleeping on the couch! I think I am going to work on my blanket for a little bit now and maybe eat a brownie!! Have a nice day, hopefully it will rain soon!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Oreo is feeling left out!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Quick Update Before My Computer is Taken From Me!
Hello! Jese is being a jerk and stealing my computer tonight so I have to use it lots right now! He is bringing it to work with him so he can play his new computer game! I don't really know anything today. I am glad it didn't get as hot as it wasn't supposed to today but it was still to hot! Our apartment was just shown, hopefully the guy wants it. He also looked at the one next to us that they have been working on since we moved here!! After he looked at both of them he stood outside with the lady for awhile talking so hopefully he wants ours! I made brownies today, they are yummy!! Okay I don't know anything!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
poor poor Pizza!!

Monday, August 10, 2009
Thank goodness Jese was home last night!
Oh yes, I wish it would just be 60 degrees out!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Good Morning!
Saturday, August 08, 2009
An Update For Amy!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
We Got The House!!
Yea, we got our house!! Last night at 9:30 the realtor finally called and told us that our offer was accepted, yea!!! Now we don't have to rent anymore, no more throwing away money to something we don't own, yea!! The closing date isn't until Sept. 28th so we will only have 3 days to move :( We did it then because we can't send in the financing stuff until next Friday because Jese needs two paystubs and right now he only has one! We are meeting with the bank on Tuesday to do all of the papers and then on Friday I will bring the paystub in and it will get sent in! Since it is a Rural Development Loan they it takes longer to process, hence the Sept. 28 closing date! Also, the owners need to fix a plumbing problem before then! On Monday we are having the inspector come! We are both very excited that we got the house, it is perfect for us! Although, the ceilings aren't perfect enough for Jese! He HATES the texture on it but to redue it is going to be a lot of work because it is plaster (I think that is what they said!) so he might have to live with it for a little while!
Today I am going to take it easy and relax! All week I have been running all over the place looking at houses! Monday I was gone from 10:00-6:00, Tuesday from 10:00-7:00, and yesterday from 10:00-6:00!! I am planning on doing the dishes, making some muffins, and playing the sims! Also, Jese is trying to get Papa in to see the house and if he can I will go up there this evening to look at it again with him :) This morning Jese had to get up early and go to Brooklyn Park for CPR training, instead of putting the dog back in his kennel he put him in bed with me, so I got to sleep in until 9:00 because I didn't have to listen to him scratch at the kennel all morning, it was nice! Poor Jese has his training this morning and has to work tonight :( Hopefully he doesn't get to tired to drive home in the morning. He is going to try to take a nap at his mama's home before work. Kipper has his bone almost half way gone already!!! He keeps trying to bury it in the house! A little bit ago he put it on the couch and covered it up with a toy and pillow!! He is so cute!
Okay well I have been sitting here for an hour now so I am going to go eat my ceral!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
My House
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
House Shopping!
Oh yes, I brought Kipper over to Amy's today and since Remi grew lots and lots she beat up Kipper!! He was soaking wet from Remi slobber, gross!! He is going to need a bath tomorrow! They had lots of fun though! I had to stop at Walmart to get him a new toy because he tore his apart. I also got him a bone thing and he spent almost 2 hours on the floor chewing on it!! I didn't want the kittens to feel left out so I got them a cheap laser pointer, Pizza LOVES it!! She ran all over chasing it, she loves lights and shadows!! Last night she was chasing a shadow on the wall above my pillow so she kept stepping on my face!! Okay well I guess this is long enough!
Monday, August 03, 2009
Let's Buy A House!!!!
Yesterday and today Kipper decided that he likes to go up and down the stairs! Now whenever one of us goes up there he has to follow!! This morning when I brought him in from outside he ran up and jumped into the bed on Jese, HAHAHA!! So then Jese couldn't sleep in because Kipper wouldn't leave him alone! I told him it was because Jese got up at 7:30 and woke up Kipper so instead of letting him out he put the kennel (and dog) in the porch, jerk!!
Okay well we are going to watch Everwood now!
Oh yes, we talked to the land lady and it seems like we won't have any problems getting out of our lease, yea!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
It is a sunny Sunday!