Hello! Yesterday at 7:30 AM I got a text message from Amy asking me to go to the zoo with her! After much debating I decided to, it was lots of fun!! We spent all day there and I only spent about $10!!! Of course since I had a good day Jese couldn't!! First he got a call from the landlord asking him to show our apartment because there were people standing outside wanting to see it! So of course nice guy that he is, he got out of bed and showed it to them! Then once they left he went back to sleep and the landlord called again to talk to him about the people!! Apparently they wanted to see it again that afternoon, after he told them he was sleeping and they couldn't come back until 6:00 he went back to bed again, only to be woken up by the dog!! So he let the dog run around in the bedroom all day long while he slept, so far we haven't found any accidents in the room!! So he got up early so he could take a shower and be ready for the people to come back and then he gets another call saying they weren't going to come, but could they come Sunday (today) around noon!! Then on his way to work he decided to go against all of the advice I always give him on his driving and go 15 mph over the speed limit and for the first time in his life he got pulled over!! Not only was he speeding but he didn't have his current insurance with him either!! Since he had such a good record he got off with just a warning and some lecturing by me!
I just watched one of my giant kissing fish die, it was awful!! It was acting like it was having a seziure and now it is laying on the bottom dead I think, and all of the chicilads are eating it!! It is too big to flush so I guess we will have to throw it out, good thing it is garbage day tomorrow!! Today I cleaned up a little bit and started the laundry. I also researched the first time home buyers tax credit and found out that sadly Minnesota is not one of the 14 states that allow you to get it for a downpayment :( That is very sad because I am 85% sure we are not going to be able to go with the R&D loan anymore so we are going to have to come up with a downpayment in 29 days!! I guess we will have to sell our souls because I am not moving again unless it is into a house because moving sucks and I am done renting!! Okay well I am going to work on my blanket for a little bit!!
Oh yes, since I was gone all day yesterday Kipper missed me, so last night when I was watching tv he would not leave me alone, he even laid on my back when I was laying down!! Good news is, he is now sleeping through the night but is still waking me up at 7AM, jerk, to bad he won't sleep in!!
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