Wednesday, September 30, 2009
All Moved In!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It is almost time!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Yea, Grey's Anatomy!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
All Packed Up...Sorta!
Busy, Busy!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Dogs Drool, Cats Rule!
Now to the cats rule! Pizza slept with me all night!! She didn't want me to get up at all last night because she decided to sleep on my back!! I didn't really care because I don't really move at all once I fall asleep. I like it when she sleeps with me because since we have gotten Kipper she doesn't cuddle with us anymore. Poor Oreo hardly gets any attention at all anymore. A couple of nights ago she started to sleep with me but then I had to get up so she ran in the other room. She really doesn't like Dexter being here. Yesterday she was hiding under the bed or on the washer all day!!
My baby fish are getting bigger! Now they have strips and I can see their little fins!! I think some of them got ate last night there seems to be less of them today, yea! They are all hiding more today also so I am guessing there was an attack last night and now they are stressed out, or just scared!! They have 9 more days of growing before they have to be moved. When we move we are putting them and the parents in a different tank so our other fish don't get beat up anymore!
Today I am not going to do anything!! I can't pack because the only things left to pack are upstairs and since Jese is sleeping I can't do it! I have to go grocery shopping but I really don't feel like so I will do that tomorrow when I bring Dexter back to Waseca. I have less than I week to watch 2 seasons of Grey's Anatomy so I think I will spend today watching some of that!! I am trying to re-watch all of the episodes before the new season starts. I am almost done with season 3. I can't believe how many people played patients on that show that are now on their own shows!! It has kind of been driving me nuts because all of the tv shows (mostly on the CW) have been recyling actors, they should get some new ones!
Supid dogs, Dexter just barked at a truck so Kipper started to bark and he didn't even know what he was barking at!!
I have decided to just go down to normal pierced ears. I just took out my top earing because it has been bugging me a lot lately. I think I will just let it close up because I don't want to buy a new earing for it. I had in a nice diamond one because that hole has never liked cheap earings. Oh well! Okay well I guess this is long enough!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Dog Sitting
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Okay Amy here is your update!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hello! Today was a busy day for Kipper and I!! We got up bright and early at 5:40 AM and we were out the door by 6:40! We went to Waseca for the garage sale mama and I had! I am happy with the amount of stuff I sold today!! I am suprised the Wii Fit did not sell yet though, hopefully it will tomorrow. While I was selling stuff Kipper was busy playing with Dexter and Dudley and he got to go on a walk with them and Rick! He had lots of fun! At 2:30, Amy came and picked us up to go to Faribault to watch brother Ben run! He did a very good job! It was hot there!! Kipper liked being there too, but he got tired and kept trying to sleep!! After that we picked up Liam and Josie and then Amy brought me back to Waseca to get my car. Kipper and I got home around 7:00. Kipper went straight to the couch and hasn't moved since!! He is sooo tired, hopefully he sleeps all night so I don't have to get up to let him out! Jese left for work at 7:30 so I got to see him for a long time!! The babies have moved to the front of the tank. All of the other fish are starting to get really stressed out, they are being forced to stay on 1/3 of the tank and they are not doing to good. I don't know where the big evil fish is hiding but I have only seen him once since I got home!! Hopefully they parents get less protective soon because I don't want my shark to die, he is my favorite!! All of my tiger barbs are sitting in a corner and some are facing downwards :( The parents won't even let the sucker fish come near them!! They are diffentally taking over the tank. They do let the kissing fish near them though, it normally is sitting right above them, I think they know that he is nice and won't eat the babies!! Okay well that is all I know, I am sleepy and tomorrow is another early day for the garage sale!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Finally scheduled!!
The babies are doing good, no dieing yet! When I got up this morning I thought that about half of them were ate, I was wrong!! They were just all laying around, once they started to swim around I saw that they were all still alive!! The parents don't leave their side, not even to eat, they just wait for the food to fall down by them!! If they all live we are going to have a lot of fish on our hands!! So far we have found two homes for some of them, Amy's house and Jese's work (maybe)!! If anyone else wants a couple in a month or so let us know, I am sure we will have lots still, unless they get ate by evil fish!!
Okay that is all for now!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
swim little guys, swim!!
They are growing so fast!! This morning the baby fish were hardly moving, now they are swimming all over the place!! I just resuced them :) The big evil fish was in their nest trying to eat them and I chased him away, I am so nice!! I am estimating there are between 50-100 babies!! Okay that is all for now!
War Zone!
Good news, I didn't kill the cichlad fry (that is the word for baby fish!) There are a ton of them!!!! I hope they all live so then we can give some to Amy and then the rest to a pet store for in store credit, that would be sweet!! I have been researching Convict Cichlads all morning and the are the rabbits of fish!! They have babies every 3-4 weeks!!! That is a lot of fish!! We will sure get our monies worth of these fish since we only paid $3 each for them!! It is like a war zone in the fish tank right now though!! The parents are very protective, hence them attacking me yesterday! All of the other fish are on one side of the tank and those two are taking over the whole other side!! I tried to get a picture of the babies but they are in the back corner so I couldn't get a picture of them for you! I did take a video, I am trying to upload it right now, you can see the babies swim around a little bit in it! I am having fun watching the fish, they are exciting!! Unfortunatly they have already tore up two plants and I am to chicken to put my hand in the tank again because they bite hard!! So now we have two floating plants!!
On another note, Jese said his class was fun last night. I know what kind of loser thinks his class is fun!! Tonight he probably won't say the same thing because it is Statistics, boring!! He has never liked those classes, thankfully it is the only one he has to take! Okay I am going to get back to watching my babies now!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
oh no!! I'm sorry!!!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Yep it is Jese!
Well starting at 5 AM kipper started to whine again so I guess it is Jese! By 6:30 I was sick of listening to him so I put his kennel in the porch, that did the trick :) I really don't know if he was still whinning but I didn't hear him so I didn't care! Hopefully tonight goes better. Yesterday I went to the movies with Mama and Theresa, mother ate a whole bag of popcorn by herself!!!! Okay well I don't know anything!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
I guess it is just Jese!
Friday, September 04, 2009
Not Qualified My Ass!!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009