Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, September 21, 2009

Busy, Busy!

Happy 16th Birthday Ben!!
Liam was attacking Ben with the ballons!

Jessica and Liam

Kipper and Remi kept tangeling each other up!!

Amy, Liam, and Jessica

Cassie and Josie
Hello! Last night we were at Papa's house for Ben's 16th birthday! Everyone was there so it was lots of fun! Today is going to be a busy day, if I can ever get Jese out of bed, lazy bum is still sleeping!! Today I plan on going to Waseca for some groceries (frozen dinners) and to drop some stuff off at Amy's house. After that I am going to pack EVERYTHING!!! I am getting rozen meals so I can pack the rest of the kitchen stuff!! I am also going to pack all of the clothes, except for whatever we are going to wear for the next 7 days! After packing everything I am going to clean because there are leaves everywhere!! I just looked at the weather and saw that on Monday it is supposed to a high of 69 and cloudy so that will be nice for moving!!
Last night I tried to count the babies again and now I think there are still more than 30, oh well!! Kipper is happy today because he is the only puppy here, he is snuggling with me right now!! I hope it starts to rain out soon! I don't know what I am going to do tonight!! At 7:00 there are three different season premiers on so I don't know what to watch!! Heroes, House, and Dancing with the Stars all start, plus Jon & Kate Plus 8 is on!! I think I will probably watch Heroes and watch the other two online later this week. This is the best week of tv because all of the shows are starting again, yea =) Okay well I am going to start my busy day now!

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