Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
No Thank You!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sucessful Job Search Day!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Pumpkin Carving!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa B!
Pizza has discovered that Mama fish is protective so when she sticks her paw in the water Mama fish comes to attack her. So now they have been playing who can bite who first! So far Pizza has been way to slow to catch Mama fish, Mama fish has got Pizza a few times though! The babies are looking more and more like cichlads every day! Last night Kipper decided that he NEEDED to bury all of his bones in the house! So he kept taking them and burying them in blankets and then Jese and I would take them out because it was funny because then he would go around looking for another place to put the bones! He is being a good dog again, his naughty week is over!! Now that we are done painting and unpacking we can give him more attention so he is much happier and is not punishing us anymore but tearing apart pillows and pooping in the study :) I am glad he is behaving now otherwise I would not like him very much anymore! The little kitty on craigslist that I wanted, Uuper, must have gotten adopted because he is not on there anymore. He was the cutest little kitten ever! Okay well that is all I know today!
Monday, October 19, 2009
PJ Day!!
Hello! Yesterday I was super busy! I got up at 8:30 and didn't sit down all day!! I cleaned and cooked lots! At 4:00 people started to come for our housewarming party! We had 22 people total show up! Adam left Josie and Liam here for us to babysit because Amy needs to sleep today. Josie slept very good, she woke up at 10:00 but I just gave her a pacifire and she went back to sleep. Liam woke up at 1:00 scared, he forgot where he was, after some talking he went back to sleep. Right now we are watching cars. I am not going to do anything today! Jese is going to make me shrimp and steak for my birthday! He is doing it today because on Tuesday and Wednesday he won't be here! I am excited to eat it, yummy! Okay well I don't know anything else!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Can I start today over!!

oh yes, and as of today we have put more money into Jese's car in the last year than it is worth!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thanks Jese!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Post Number 700!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Lesson Learned!
Today when Jese got home from work he decided that he didn't want to go to sleep and wanted to come with me to get pumpkins! So I drove us to Faribault and we went with Papa to get some pumpkins! We got two HUGE ones and three little ones! After that we went up to Grandpa & ma's to pick some apples with the Hagre family! We got lots of them!! Then I had to play photographer and try to take pictures the the Hagre family for their Christmas card, it didn't go very good! Either Liam or Amy would mess up the picture!! Sometimes I guess Josie and Adam did too! Then Jese and I went to Lowes because online they say they have Martha Stewart paint and I picked out a color for the living room. Well it turns out that the one Lowes we go to they don't have it!! We ended up finding a color similar to the one I wanted though!! When we finally got home we cleaned up Kippers mess and then I decided to repaint the hallway! Jese got suckered into helping me and he ended up finishing it, haha!! I did actually help this time though! I really like the color, it isn't spirement green anymore!! Okay I am watching Desp. Housewives now!
P.S. my next update will be number 700!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!!!!
Hello! This morning I woke up to snow!! I like snow right now because it isn't super cold and windy, but as soon as it gets super cold and windy I won't like it any more!! Kipper didn't like the snow so much this morning but now he just wants to be outside!! Yesterday Amy and Liam begged me to come to Waseca to play games so I gave in and went there! We ended up not playing any games though!! I colored with Liam after we ate lunch then he went to bed and Amy and I watched tv ALL afternoon!! We were also getting the stuff ready for her to make her scrubbies at work! Remi decided that it would be fun to lay on top of me instead on my feet like I told her! I let her lay on me for a little bit but after being hit in the head by her long legs I made her get down! When I got back home Jese and I went over to the neighbors for a little bit then he went to work and I watched tv! Today I am going to make chicken noodle soup and maybe halloween sugar cookies if I feel like it! Right now I am watching Untraceable, it is a good movie! Okay until next time,
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Welcome to small town life!
Kitchen: DONE!
Monday, October 05, 2009
A little brighter than I thought!!
Friday, October 02, 2009
It's Official!!