Hello! Yesterday was a fun day! At 8:45 I got woke up by Amy telling me (not asking!) that she was coming to make halloween cookies, but she didn't know what time! So I got up and got myself ready and then I forced Jese to get up at 9:30, bad idea, he was crabby about it all day :) Then I dried the dishes from the night before and then we went grocery shopping! We saved $13.00 with coupons! We also started a turkey card, if I spen $450 by thanksgiving I get a FREE turkey!! If I spend more than that I get a bigger turkey!! I love free stuff! Before we even checked out Amy sent me another message telling me she was only 20 minutes away!! So we rushed home, I started to put away the laundry and Jese started to wash all of the dishes! Well we didn't get everything done in time and they showed up!! I was suposed to have lunch ready so instead of cooking we took them out to eat at el tequila, yum! When we got back we finally started making cookies! I added a little to much salt but you can't even tell :) By the time they were done baking it was time to make Jese supper since he had class. So Amy cut up the super cheap steak I bought and Jese peeled potatoes and we made meat chunks and mashed potatoes, yummy! While that was cooking we frosted the cookies while Liam dumped sprinkles on them!! Then we ate supper, once we were done Cassie and Nick showed up with Jese's car. Cassie decided to give Josie a whole pot of mashed potatoes and a cookie, needless to say she got sick!! Everyone left around 6:00 so I had an hour to clean all the cookie crumbs up that were scattered across the house, I even found some on the bed!! Liam was up there watcing a movie that is how they got up there!!
Today I am going to get as much orgainzing and cleaning done as possible for our housewarming party on Sunday. Okay I have to go check on our trouble maker dog I can hear him playing upstairs and he hasn't came down to go potty yet!
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