Hello! Last night I didn't go to bed until 3:00 AM!!! I don't know how I made it! I went to go see New Moon, it was MUCH better than Twilight! You could tell they had much more money to make this one. The acting was much better also, which I was glad about because in Twilight that is what I liked the least! I was happy it followed the book pretty good. There were just a few changes here and there, but nothing too major. We ended up being in the monster theater, the screen was huge, I haven't been in that theater yet! It was packed, I think they had 3 different theaters showing the movie at Lakeville. The only bad part was I couldn't get comfortable during the whole movie!! I am not used to having it full in a theater, normally when I go I am one of the only ones there!! It was lots of fun though and it was worth staying up late for!
Today Amy woke me up at 8:30, but I didn't get up until 9:15! That is late for me, I normally get up by 8:30. I haven't done much yet, just some cleaning in the kitchen. I am going to go grocery shopping today and spend the last $30 on my turkey punch card so I can get my free turkey!! Kipper is just hanging outside today since it is nice out. Oreo ran outside on me just a little bit ago and now she is sitting at the door crying because she wants to go outside, baby!! Oh yes, that reminds me!! Last night Jese and I were watching TV and he asked what a noise was and I said it was just the TV. After a little while I muted the TV and we could still hear it! Turns out it was just Oreo sleeping behind the TV snoring, she is so loud!! After she woke up she went to the basement and dragged her favorite toy up and put it behind the TV with her!! I had Jese hold Kipper so I could play with her for a little bit because she was just so cute!! She wasn't so cute this morning however when she decided it was time for me to get up and kept sitting practically on my face!! Okay well I have things to do, have a nice day!
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