Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Good Bye Snow!!

I am so happy the snow is finally melting!! Our yard is getting very muddy!! But on the plus side our basement hasn't flooded yet! Today was not a good day at all!!! Josie got Liam's cold and she was not happy about it. All day long no matter what I did she cried :( Poor Liam got no attention because of her so then he got super crabby. I normally have him take a nap at 1:00 but by 11:30 I was going nuts so then I sent him to bed! Josie went shortly after that and thankfully she took a nap. After Liam woke up Remi decided to puke in the living room, gross! Then Josie decided to wake up! Thankfully they were both a little less crabby. Josie was still crying a lot but not as much. About an hour before I got to leave she got in a much better mood and played with toys and I read! This week I have just been babysitting, nothing exciting. Jese has been very nice and did the dishes for me and today he made up my supper for me before he left so I just had to pop it into the oven! It is almost done, I am having mac-n-cheese. Okay well that is enough for today.
Oh yes, I found out today that the neighbors house didn't sell, the bank must have sent someone in to clean it up and then relisted it under a different real estate agent, it is cheaper now too!

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