Well last night went okay with kicking Kipper out of bed. He was sleeping on the couch (in the bedroom) really good until Jese came home. Then he started whining a bunch. He kept laying down next to my side of the bed and whining and keeping me awake! Jese of course slept through most of it. Around 4:00 I finally got sick of it and put him in his kennel!! I shoot the doors so I couldn't hear him if he barked, I don't think he did though. So now I decided we will just put him in his kennel at night, poor puppy! It was nice sleeping without any puppy legs kicking me though!
My ear is super plugged right now, it is annoying! Every night after one of my potty breaks I get stuffy and my ear plugs up, it normally clears up by morning but today it didn't :( Also I can't figure out if I should make my bed harder or softer because it has been killing my back, no matter what I do to it I just can't get comfortable, stupid bed!! The couch is comfy, maybe I will just sleep on that all the time!
I am going to eat a grapefruit for breakfast, they are so good! I ate 2 of them yesterday, I probably could have ate 20!! Yesterday I made tater tot hotdish for supper, it was super yummy! I don't know what I will make tonight yet.
Tomorrow we are going to go to Menards and get shelving for our closet because it is on sale and we need it! Hopefully Jese can put it all up, last time he had troubles :) Okay I am hungry now, time for a grapefruit!
we are going to menards today too!
You should just get our stuff and bring it here so we don't have to go then!! Also I would like a gallon of paint to paint the workout room/study/spare bedroom :)
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