On Thursday, I went to a haunted basement with Jese, Kat, Kristian (girl across the hall), Jamie, and one other girl I don't know her name. It was pretty cool. They did a good job putting it together, we had to pay $1 or bring a canned item, so we all brought canned food that Kat had and didn't like, like baked beans, yuk. Yesterday, Kat, Jese, and I went to La Crosse so Kat could get some snowboarding pants. Then last night a bunch of us (yes I was social) went to see Saw II, and I have to say, I was suprised, I thought it was going to be worse than the first one because sequals normally are but I would say that it was just as good, and maybe better. There were some really gross parts though that Kat covered her as up for, silly girl!! Then when we got back to the dorms, Jese wanted to go to his room quick so Kat and I waited outside Maria for him and I found a new friend. He was really short, full of fur, had claws, and looked just like one of my old kitties, named Nardo (Cassie named that one). I sat right down on the stairs and played with my new friend for awhile, he was very cute, he would sit outside the door of Maria with one of his paws in the air waiting for somebody to open the door then he would run in and get chased back out. Jese almost stepped on him, the big meany. After that we went back to my room and started to watch Interview with the Vampire, with Brad Pitt, but I got tired so we didn't finish watching it untill today. It was scratched though so I have not seen all of it, I missed part of it in the middle and the ending, which sucks but oh well. Well that is about it! Bye
Christa Ann Wadekamper
(is cool)
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Washing Wednesday
Today I cleaned my room. I cleaned out the fridge and microwave because they were dirty. The microwave was very gross because Kat doesn't know how to cover up her food when she cooks it so it splatters all over. I also moved my hermit crabs because I didn't like where they were. In astronomy I found out that I don't have class on Friday so that is very nice, I am excited! Tonight Jese and I played euchre, he doesn't really remeber how to play anymore, he wanted to know why he got a point when he wasn't the dealer, silly boy it isn't tennis, it doesn't matter who deals (or serves in tennis). I got a fish tank for $27 with my birtday money, it is 10 gallons, I also had to buy a heater for it. I did that on monday, now I like to watch my fish, I have 2 cichlids and 2 tigar barbs, I also have an algea eater. Jese took guppie #3 and goldie but guppie #3 died right away. He just took goldie last night because Cicly and Liddy (the cichlids) were beating up on him and he had like no tail left. Now he is doing much better and he is picking on Jese's fish!!! I also made my bed today because the blankets were way messed up. I also vaccumed the floor. I also cleaned my closet and I am bringing a garbage bag full of clothes back home that I don't wear. Well now I am going to go because American's Next Top Model is on pretty soon.
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Oh yes, I talked to my mother today, she misses me again, she was crying when I told her I had to hang up. Poor mother.
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Oh yes, I talked to my mother today, she misses me again, she was crying when I told her I had to hang up. Poor mother.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Up North

This weekend I went up north with my favorite father and Adam and Andy. We got up there at about 10 Friday night. We visited with the Wadekamper's and then we went to bed. On Saturday, adam, andy and my father went to stoney to put up some deer stands and I stayed at the cabin to do homework, I managed to finish my book so that is good. Andy made us some brats and hamburgers for supper, they were pretty good. When Andy and Adam went out fishing my father and I played cribbage, I kicked his butt!! Andy got a 10" northren and thatt is it. We headed over to Lenways that night and talked with the Allens and my Grandparents and Les. My father and I played euchre against grandpa and les and we got beat really really bad. After that we went back to the resort and visited the Slettas and then went to bed. On Sunday we got up early to leave but didn't get going untill about 10:30. When I got back I went to my Grandpa Beckers to celebrate our birthday. Jese and I didn't get to stay very long though because we had to head back to Winona. We got back just in time to watch my shows, they were very good. After that Jese, Kat, and I watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It was very good. Now we are watching Urban Ledgends, so good bye!! Oh yes, my mother and father gave me some very nice cowboy hooker boots for my birthday, I like them very much!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Friday, October 21, 2005
Happy Birthday to me!
Today is my birthday!!! I am now the big 1-9!! I am going home and then going up north with my father today. I am excited. This week I have had two different classes cancled, Photography and Western Civilization. It was very nice, yesterday I didn't have class untill 2:00 and then I was done. Last night everybody got together to play some ddr again in the basement of Maria, I am getting much better I can now play on light instead of beginner! My pictures will be put up today so check back for them later!!
See ya on the flip side!
See ya on the flip side!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Wonderful Weekend
This weekend was lots of fun. Jese and I went home to celabrate my birthday with my family. Everyone was there, it was kind of weird because it was so full in the house. On friday I got my hair chopped off. I think it looks okay. Also on friday Jese and I went to Gustavust ( I don't know how to spell it, that is how Jese said) to visit Conor B., and Timmy L. It was lots of fun, we will have to do it again sometime. On Saturday, me, my favorite sister Amy, Cassie, Sarah, and my lovely mother went to Burnsville to go shopping. My mother, and sisters ran a race earlier and they all did really good. My mom should have gotton first but she got second. She is like a cheetah she is so fast. After we got done shopping we went home for my birthday supper. We had wild rice soup and bear steak. It was very good. I am pretty sure my mother and father are the best cooks around (Amy you are tied with them so now you can send my cookies!!) After that I started the fire and my mother got sick so we all sat outside by the fire while she layed in bed, poor poor mother. I was the first one to go to bed because I was tired. On Sunday, we all went up the pit and shot our guns. I only shot 3 times because I have shot alot this year. It was fun watching everyone. I am excited to go up deer hunting. After that we carved pumpkins, I made mine into a cat, it was very cool. Jese and I had to go after that. We went to Cabalas to get me a winter coat for my birthday presant from Neva and Rick. I got a pink one, it is very cool. After that we went to El Tequila in Owatonna, picked up Kasey, and went on our way to Winona. We got back around 7:15. Today I found out that one of my classes is cancled for the rest of the week, that means I don't have to get up early for any of my classes this week!! After my classes today I went with Jese and got 4 fish, I got 3 guppies and 1 goldfish. I named the goldie (after goldie fawn!), and guppie 1, guppie 2, and guppie 3. I know I am the best fish namer ever. I also cleaned my hermit crab cage today, it was very gross, there was mold from me spilling water, it stunk quite a bit. Now Jese and Kat are playing ddr, I think I might join them in a little bit. okay bye!
Oh yes, I brought the digital camera back with me but I forgot the converter to get them on my computers so no pictures yet, sorry! They will be on pretty soon, I promise!!
Oh yes, I brought the digital camera back with me but I forgot the converter to get them on my computers so no pictures yet, sorry! They will be on pretty soon, I promise!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Today I was busy. In the morning I had a test in astronomy. I think I did pretty good on it, better than the last one. I studied alot for this test so if I don't do good at least I know I tried my hardest! After that was done, Kat and I decided it was time for a room makeover. We rearranged the room once again and it looks very sweet now. I like it very much. Now I am giong to work on my precalc homework so have a nice day! bye!
Christa Wadekamper
Christa Wadekamper
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Yesterday not very much happened again. I did homework pretty much the entire day. I went to my classes in the morning and then I went to lunch and then I did homework. Jese, Kat, and I did play yahtzee once though. Kat beat by like 2 points, but Jese lost by like 100. He is not very good at it!!! I got a yahtzee, I was very excited. Our room has smelled for like the last week and we could not figure out what it was and Kat finally noticed that she had an apple that was rotting, now the room smells better now that she threw it out. I hope that is what it was because our room really stunk. I did not like it at all. Today I have classes all day. I hate tuesdays. But this week there is one good thing out tuesday, the week is half over because I don't have school on friday!! yea!! Well that is all bye!!
Christa Wadekamper
(is cool)
Christa Wadekamper
(is cool)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The Weekend
Well not very much happend this weekend. Jese and I mostly did homework. On Friday, Kat's mother brought us three out to eat at the Green Mill. It was okay. I don't think I would go there again but it was free so that is good. Last night Jese and I stayed up until 2:00 AM playing a video game. I don't know what was wrong with me. I then woke up at 8:00 so I did not get very much sleep so I took a little nap today on Jese's couch while he did some more of his homework! Opps!!! I really didn't mean to but I was reading a book for my western civilization class and it was getting really boring so I just fell asleep!! Stupid couch, it was its fault, just like the one at home. Well the only other thing I did today was watch my t.v. shows tonight and boy were they good! Well that is all, I am going to go read my boring book some more!!
Christa W.
(is cool)
Christa W.
(is cool)
Thursday, October 06, 2005
I'm finished!!!
I am so excited!!! I just finished my precalc test that I have been studying like a mad-women for. I am so happy to be done with it. I think I did okay. I am pretty sure I passed so that is good. That is all I have been doing for the past two days is studying for it so I hope it payed off. Yesterday after I got done with my classes I started to study and I only took a break to eat and to watch my tv show at 7:00. Now I am going to curl up under a blanky and start to read the 400 page book I have to read for Western Civilization. It is very cold out. I almost froze waiting outside after my precalc test so Jese came and picked me up. He is so nice to me!! I sure am glad he went to the same school as me, who knows what I would do without him!! Well that is about all.
Christa Wadekamper
Oh yes, Kat got a package today and I didn't what is up with that?!?!?!
Christa Wadekamper
Oh yes, Kat got a package today and I didn't what is up with that?!?!?!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Bloody Mary Monday.....oh wait I think it is Tuesday Today
Well today not very much happened. I handed in my second photography assignment, I think I did pretty good, the teacher commented on some of the pictures. That is pretty sweet. Today my sister Amy sent me a letter. It didn't say very much, just what she did the day she wrote it which wasn't very exciting. Kat and I have been looking at apartments online all day, Jese and I were thinking about staying with her or with two people from waseca that way it is a little bit cheaper. Jese is playing a video game right now and I am laying on the couch. That is about it I don't know anything else. Kay Bye!
Christa Wadekamper
(is cool)
Christa Wadekamper
(is cool)
Monday, October 03, 2005
Laundry Day
Today I did my laundry. man did i have alot to do. I washed 4 loads, which is the most i have had yet, normally jese and i combine ours because we don't have enough of one kind to fill the washer up. Now I can dress nice again, I have been wearing cross country shirts for about a week, I was even running low on the ones I liked. The main reason I had to do my laundry was because I ran out of washcloths, not a good thing. I would like to take a shower tomarrow so I decided it would be a good idea to wash some.
I am very sad, I am sick. My nose is all stuffed up and my head hurts. I do not like it very much. Jese is going to run to the store and get me some medicine after he is done playing ddr. He was going to last night at 10:00 but I wouldn't let him because it was too late.
Kat brought home some sweet halloween decorations so now our room looks really scary, so i have nightmares every night now!!! well that is about it I think I will try to take a nap now.
I am very sad, I am sick. My nose is all stuffed up and my head hurts. I do not like it very much. Jese is going to run to the store and get me some medicine after he is done playing ddr. He was going to last night at 10:00 but I wouldn't let him because it was too late.
Kat brought home some sweet halloween decorations so now our room looks really scary, so i have nightmares every night now!!! well that is about it I think I will try to take a nap now.
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