Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Yesterday not very much happened again. I did homework pretty much the entire day. I went to my classes in the morning and then I went to lunch and then I did homework. Jese, Kat, and I did play yahtzee once though. Kat beat by like 2 points, but Jese lost by like 100. He is not very good at it!!! I got a yahtzee, I was very excited. Our room has smelled for like the last week and we could not figure out what it was and Kat finally noticed that she had an apple that was rotting, now the room smells better now that she threw it out. I hope that is what it was because our room really stunk. I did not like it at all. Today I have classes all day. I hate tuesdays. But this week there is one good thing out tuesday, the week is half over because I don't have school on friday!! yea!! Well that is all bye!!

Christa Wadekamper
(is cool)

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