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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Washing Wednesday

Today I cleaned my room. I cleaned out the fridge and microwave because they were dirty. The microwave was very gross because Kat doesn't know how to cover up her food when she cooks it so it splatters all over. I also moved my hermit crabs because I didn't like where they were. In astronomy I found out that I don't have class on Friday so that is very nice, I am excited! Tonight Jese and I played euchre, he doesn't really remeber how to play anymore, he wanted to know why he got a point when he wasn't the dealer, silly boy it isn't tennis, it doesn't matter who deals (or serves in tennis). I got a fish tank for $27 with my birtday money, it is 10 gallons, I also had to buy a heater for it. I did that on monday, now I like to watch my fish, I have 2 cichlids and 2 tigar barbs, I also have an algea eater. Jese took guppie #3 and goldie but guppie #3 died right away. He just took goldie last night because Cicly and Liddy (the cichlids) were beating up on him and he had like no tail left. Now he is doing much better and he is picking on Jese's fish!!! I also made my bed today because the blankets were way messed up. I also vaccumed the floor. I also cleaned my closet and I am bringing a garbage bag full of clothes back home that I don't wear. Well now I am going to go because American's Next Top Model is on pretty soon.

Christa Ann Wadekamper

Oh yes, I talked to my mother today, she misses me again, she was crying when I told her I had to hang up. Poor mother.

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