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Monday, February 27, 2006

"Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy." - Groucho Marx

Hello!! This weekend Jese and I went home to do my laundry. I had lots of fun when I was at home. On Friday my mother made homemade chicken noodle soup which was YUM-O. That night we all watched the Weather Man, it was pretty good. On Saturday my mother went to South Dakota to shoot and Jese went to Gustavus to visit Conor and Timmy, leaving my father and I all by ourselves. We went to both of my grandparents houses and visited them for awhile and then we went to menards to get some trim and things to fix the drawers for the entertainment center. Then we went and down to the archery range to shoot with my Grandpa. I didn't shoot very much because we turned up my poundage and I could not hold it up very long. My father and grandpa shoot very well though! Then I decided that I wanted to shoot the indoor 3D with my father, and grandfather the next day so I called up Jese and I made him come shoot it with me. That night we watched Stuck on you, it was better than we thought it was going to be. On Sunday morning I packed up all of my stuff and Jese came to pick me up and we went to shoot the 3D. It was my first ever indoor 3D and I had lots of fun...even though I was shooting a target bow with a scope and everything!! I wasn't sighted in for any other distance other than 20 yards so I just aimed over or under every target. I ended up beating Jese, he got 298 and I got 302! My father killed up both with 34something, and I don't know what my grandpa got. I think it was out of 360 or something like that. When we were done we ate pizza and Jese and I went back to Winona. I did homework when I got back and that is all, oh yes and I watched Grey's Anatomy!! Okay that is all I know for now!!

CHRISTA wadekamper

Thursday, February 23, 2006

"The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their children." - King Edward VIII

Hello!! Today I had a test in precalc. I think I did okay on it. I studied for four hours for it yesterday so I hope it paid off. Today Jese and I went up to Bucks & Bows and shot 9 rounds. I did pretty good...I only got four fours, two were my first two arrows because I was sighted in low, and one of them was my second round and the last one was my last round. I decided that my bow poundage was not turned up enough now and I was shakeing a ton because of it. When I was shooting a bunch of hunting guys were watching me :) There was a kid from Jese's floor there shooting and he was very nice...Jese said that the kid came and laid on his floor once because he was drunk and Jese's door was open. Jese shoot good too! I just got done doing my homework...besides reading a book and that is what I am going to do next. It is a John Standford book, it is good. He is a Minnesota author so I am reading his book for Minnesota Writers, cool huh!! Tonight Jese and I are going to watch the Transporter 2 with Toph (a kid from Waseca) and maybe another kid. I think I will make my last bag of popcorn...although then Toph will eat it all because he is pretty good at eating everybody's food. I am so excited Survivor is on tonight!! Okay well I am going to read my book now!!


cHrIsTa AnN WaDeKaMpEr
(is really cool!!!)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"I finally realized that being grateful to my body was key to giving more love to myself." Oprah Winfrey

Okay so one of the reasons I decided to go to Winona was because there aren't supposed to be any student teachers, well for the second time in my MN Rocks & Waters class we have had a student teaching us and all he does is read the notes online outloud to us...I don't think that is what I am paying for...jerks. Today my classes have been pretty boring. I have to study all of my math stuff because I have the Chapter 1 test tomarrow, I am not excited for it but I know most of the stuff so I think I will do okay on it. Last night I watched American Idol but it was 2 hours long and I ended up getting bored so I worked on my blanket, I am almost done with it. Well that is all I know for today!!!


Monday, February 20, 2006

"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children." -Jimmy Carter

Hello! Not much happened this weekend. Jese got another ticket, this one was for $10 and it was because he forgot to move his car out of the parking lot so it could be plowed, stupid boy!! This weekend I pretty much sat around and did homework. I feel asleep within an hour last night so that was very nice, I think it is because I listened to music, that is what I used to do when I was younger. Well I really don't know anything and I need to do some math homework so bye!!


Friday, February 17, 2006

"This isn't good or bad. It's just the ways of things. Nothing stays the same." - Real Live Preacher

I dyed my hair tonight!! I did it all by doesn't look very good in this photo because I didn't fix my hair.

"I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians." Charles De Gaulle

Man it is cold out, and it just keeps getting colder and colder. I have had to bundle up like a little kid so I didn't freeze walking to classes. I saw some zipper-head walking around today with just a tee shirt on, dummy. This morning I just had to watch a video in one of my classes, it was very boring, it was on greed. It basically said that being rich isn't greedy because it gives other people jobs, I agree. It also said that investing your money into something is better than donating money because you are giving other people the chance to work. In MN writers we just read poems, it was VERY boring, I hate poems, they suck. In MN Rocks & Waters we just talked about rocks, very interesting! Lunch sucked today, I made a turkey sandwich and I had hot chocolate and orange juice. Jese had a sandwich too, but he also had a salad, and he had 2% milk to drink. Tonight I am going to curl up in a blanket and not go outside because it is way to cold. Okay well I don't really know anything I was just bored!!!


Thursday, February 16, 2006


"Ninety-eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hard-working, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then -- we elected them." Lily Tomlin

Hello! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile. On Sunday night I ended staying at Jese's because my roomate had someone spend the night. Jese was very nice to me and slept on his couch because he went to bed later than me and I was asleep. On Monday morning I started to feel ill, and I ended up skipping my last class because I came down with a lovely stomach flu. It wasn't fun at all. I ended up being sick for 2 1/2 days. I still am not drinking milk because it upsets my tummy :( On tuesday Kat disappered, she went to her aunts house I guess and she didn't come back untill last night. Also on Tuesday night I slept great! I knew there was a reason I liked to be sick!! On Wednesday, I rested on the couch the whole day so now I feel 100% better!! Today it is snowing out :( Jese's night class was cancled but none of my classes were, the jerks, I hate college my classes never get cancled. All of the Winona Public Schools got out of school today too, they are all a bunch of jerks. It is supposed to snow untill 12 or 1 tonight, that is alot of snow. We have about a foot right now (but that is me guessing so it could be anywhere from 1 inch to 2 feet, I am not good at guessing!) On Valentines day, Jese and I just watched tv while everyone else went out and celebrated because I wasn't feeling good, :(. Okay well that is all I know I guess, BYE!!


Sunday, February 12, 2006

"What you are is a question only you can answer" Lois McMaster Bujold

Hello! This weekend I went home and shoot regionals. I think I did pretty good considerding I haven't shot since March last year. On Saturday I managed to pull off a 285 with a zero and today I got a 294, which is what I got at state last year. Now I brought my bow back with me and I will try to practice a little bit more. It was the most fun I have had shooting archery in a long time because I knew I wasn't going to shoot great and so there was no pressure to be an allstar. It was like I was shooting when I was younger when nobody knew my name. I liked it very much. I got to talk to Cassie's old archer stalker, which is now one of my archery friends, he had a lot go on latley. He got called to go to Iraq but then when he was sitting at home waiting he found out that he had an extra valve in his heart so now he doesn't have to go. I hope nobody I know has to go. Bush sure did mess things up by sending people over there to start a war. Today I ate two cookies that Sister Amy made for me. They were good! When I got back to Winona today I found that all of my fish were still alive!!!! I was excited. Well that is all I know for now!!

Christa Ann Wadekamper

Thursday, February 09, 2006

"Energy is eternal delight" William Blake

I am sick of people telling me that I am not active enough and that is why I don't fall asleep. I would like to remind everyone that when I was cross-country it still took me forever to fall asleep. When I was working this summer it took me forever to sleep. When I was playing DDR for hours earlier this year I still didn't sleep. And when I stay up really late and am exsuasted I still don't sleep. I don't think that my problem is not being active enough. And I am not going to work out with Jese because I am very confident with how I look unlike the rest of my family and also I only see Jese for about two hours each day and so I am not going to waste that time working out with him.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I am angry. Every night I go to bed and I lay there for at least an hour before I fall asleep. Last night I went to bed at 10:45 and I was still awake until midnight. I am sick and tired of it. I would just like one good night of sleep but I don't think I am every going to get one. I am becoming very tired.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"The hatred you're carrying is a live coal in your heart - far more damaging to yourself than to them." Lawana Blackwell

Hello! Today was a busy day. In the morning I got up and went to Precalc. it was pretty boring. Then I went back to my room and Jese and I washed my dishes and I cleaned G3's bowl. Then I had to wash my clothes because I only have a couple of shirts left. Then while that was running I was studying for my test in Accounting I have tomarrow. When my laundry was all done I didn't have time to fold it so I put it in my closet so I wouldn't have to look at it. Then I studied some more. After I was done with that Jese and I ate some supper. Then I went back to my room to do some homework and now I am finished. I am going to fold my clothes now because they probably got all wrinkly :( that makes me sad. Well that is all I know for now!!


Christa Ann Wadekamper

Oh yes, Rick and Randy just to let you know I do not kill fish Jese does, I have only had 1 goldfish die, and I also had two chiclids die because of cholrine in the water from when I came back from Christmas break. Jese kills fish all the time, not me!

Monday, February 06, 2006

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics, I can assure you mine are still greater." -Albert Einstein

Well nothing has really happened lately besides that I found out that when I borrowed Harry Potter to sister Amy book #2 broke. The binding came unglued and now it is falling apart, I am not very happy about it either. Last night Jese and I watched Grey's Anatomy and it was REALLY good, I can't wait for it to be on again. I have three test this week they are in my three hardest classes to. I have one in Accounting on Wednesday, and on Friday I have one in Microeconomics and one in MN Rocks & Waters. I am not very excited for them but I am sure I will do just fine in them. Oh yes I have great news!!! We had room checks this week and my room got an award for being clean!! There were a few other rooms that got them too but I am sure mine was cleaner!! Well that is all I know for now!

Christa Ann Wadekamper

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Eye For An Eye
And Pretty Soon
The Whole World
Will Be Blind

R.I.P G2

G2 died today at aproximatly 5:43. I saw that he wasn't doing very good so I cleaned his bowl but it didn't help. So then I bought a new gold fish to give him company, his name is G3, but that didn't help either and he has now passed on:( I aslo got a snail because he is cool. Tomarrow I will have to return G2, it is so sad. Yesterday a black guy hit on me, it was cool, I like black guys! Jese and I are breaking up and I am going to marry the black guy instead!!! I am so excited, SURVIVER starts tonight!!! Yesterday in geology the teacher wasn't there so we got taught by a student, I thought this school didn't do that. I did learn more though because the student guy actually was talking to us and not to himself like the teacher does. Tomarrow Conor B., and Tim L., are coming here to visit us for a little bit so it should be fun. Well that is all I know for now, I am going to watch King of Queens now!!

Christa Ann Wadekamper